[you] needs to shut the fuck up

The cunt never knows when to quit. Well, this is your official warning to stay the fuck out of my way. Annoy me at your own peril.


My Stars!
Oh yeah, I am so scared. I tremble at your razor tongued insults. Oh, oh, oh, I am so frightened. I assume you'll inform me when I should do more trembling? Good, because I wouldn't want to miss any of your cues.

Damn! I hope this was directed at me and not one of those oh-so-clever tricks where the name is everyone's in the title. Naw, I'm sure this one is aimed at me. Such a "clever" little boy.


My Stars!
You do know, of course, that this means war? :eek:wned:

You were always an irritating little twerp trying to get a "rise" out of the bigger dogs. Failing miserably, I might add. But, you knew that already. Your cornucopia of failings is only slightly more laughable than your carnival of shortcomings. I can only hope that your clown car of wit is more amusing. Let's hear those golden words of cleverness in retort.

Admit it. . .you missed me my sweet little lap dog. :devious:


My Stars!
Oh my, has that stutter returned? I thought you had conquered that foible. Guess not. . .hope you did better with the whistling lisp. I always did bring out your failings. But thanks for the welcome wagon attempt. It's always good to see the lesser beings continue trying.

Such a clever little failure. You know I'm only saying that to give you a bit of encouragement don't you? I know you've sorely lacked words of praise since I've been gone.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
This thread makes my dick hard.


My Stars!
Is this your "before" or "after" picture? 'Cuz if it is the latter, then you got ripped off by your surgeon. I know you wanted bigger boobs.
This bit of enjoyment brought to you by your nemesis.
Only in your own mind. You're a total bag of wind who has to follow me around for any attention, though even those attempts are largely ignored. Continue if you have nothing better to do.


My Stars!
"Largely ignored"? I think you haven't been keeping track. You're the one who wanted the attention. What? Now you want it to stop?
I start a thread mentioning a spinster and you come running. You also suggested a deragatory smilie for me in a thread I merely posted in. You are correct in that I haven't been keeping track of every instance. Continue if you have nothing better to do.


My Stars!
And yet, you respond with such alacrity. It doesn't take much to geet a response when your chain is yanked. . .now does it?


Luci ain't got nothin' on me.

[ghost]*Cloaks and Nukes the thread*[/ghost]

"Nuclear launch detected."
