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I cannot believe you people!!! Those of you who know DarthSikle. Do you really know what kind of hell this guy has been through the last two plus years???? DO YOU???? WELL...........I DO!
In addition to trying to save his shitty marriage to an idiot-insane woman......she ditches three kids on him.....girls none the less.........then he has ME ranting and texting him at all hours of the day and night with my conspiracies!!!! Then he is probably getting hell at work cause I didn't know who he was...........I THOUGHT HE WAS THE SECRET SERVICE IN PENNSYLVANIA!!!!! You guys knew better.

I feel so horrible. I will make this up to you DarthSikle. I promise you.

I suggest the rest of you assholes who know him out. Go GIT the girls and take them to the movies, cook dinner for him, clean his house, take your kids to play with his kids.........keep them occupied so he doesn't have to listen to a bunch of girls crying, ex-wife bitching and ME ranting. THIS GUY IS A SAINT. WOMEN WOULD BE CRAZY NOT TO LOVE HIM.
Gagh said:
Yeah, well it's hardly surprising that you know all about him, is it?
I want to know this Gagh............have I been a Fool to trust him. I want you, messenger or Jack to answer me. I have been working like a dog, digging, I recently gave him something pretty good. Has he betrayed me. He will not answer my text now.

He has led me on, made me think he is on my side.
jack said:

If true, DS is some sort of Troll God.

Jack............I took my marriage vows seriously. In sickness/health, richer/poorer.......I was totally fucked over, used and abused. He betrayed me more times than one.

Has DS betrayed me? All I want is a yes or no.
Whenever I place trust in someone, no matter if it is blind trust........whenever I think someone is working with me, not against me......I can be the most loyal person you have ever met in your life.

When you work me like a dog, take the credit, then fuck me over................well, if any of you know my ex............
Jillian is suggesting she was Darth's wife? The one he's having kid trouble with currently?

This one is starting to unravel for me, I'm afraid.
Rov_is_a_Fag said:
I want to know this Gagh............have I been a Fool to trust him. I want you, messenger or Jack to answer me. I have been working like a dog, digging, I recently gave him something pretty good. Has he betrayed me. He will not answer my text now.

He has led me on, made me think he is on my side.

Can you trust yourself?
Gagh said:
Can you trust yourself? was temporary insanity. I think I was still freaked out by my meeting with the devil and everything.

He gave me a wake-up call this morning with his usual ???????



it was all a bad dream.

I'm good now.
^Are you Cassie............DarthSikle?? Is that you??? I'm serious about this girl at my new store, I told her about you today. Or what little I know. I just said............since you live up in that area, there is this really HOT guy up there.
She axe...........Who is he??

I said...........well, I'm not really sure, I know he is in his 30's, he might work for the Secret Service cause he helped me with an Identity Theft problem I had, he is hot, he is probably good in bed.

She said: ORLY??

I said: YES!!!!! If you ever go there for one of the stores call me and I will give you his number. You won't be sorry!! You will probably call me back and tell me you are in love!!
I do not live up north..

I just like to tell people hi because it's a nice thing to do.
