Troll Kingdom

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You want to hear something crazy??


New member
You now how people in the retail industry recruit new people??? They go trolling around the mall, go in stores and throw their "calling bidness cards" on the floor for the salespeople???? Thats the craziest thing I have ever heard of??
Three people have told me that...............they are all in management positions to?? I mean, I would think there is a better way to find employee's than that.
If anyone comes trolling around in my store throwing their bidness cards around, I will collect them, take them back to their perspective owners and tell them..........."Hey!! I found these bidness cards over at my store and thought I would return them!! I hate to see waste so I recycle and you should do the same so here are your bidness cards."

I would troll them while I was doing it too. If they want me to recruit........I will just go troll people, I don't need to throw no stinkin cards on the ground. I'll just troll them.
Then there was Rodney.............he was being a slacker today so I had to kick his ass a few times.
Damn him............he made the biggest mess when he was pouring water from that 50 gallon drinking container into the steamers. When I almost slipped I yelled from the back room for him to get his ass back there and clean it up.
He did it too.

Then he was trying to hit on some of the girls and one of them axe him if he had a girlfriend and he said yes and she should buy her some red roses and he said.............Hell........I ain't taking no red roses to my girlfriend!!! You only take your girlfriend red roses after you cheated on her!!

and I said.............If your girlfriend ever gives you black roses you will know there is going to be a funeral soon.
Then one of the girls had the nerve to stand on some scales in front of him and he goes..........Damn girl, are you that heavy??

I handed her some black roses.

This chick didn't care cause she is built like a brick shithouse honey>>>>>She got it going on.
I told Rodney it would be in his best interest to git the hell back up to the front.


I did find out what a "sleeve" is..............he has tattoo's.
I will be taking one of the Assistant Manager's positions before long. Only because one of them they hired is going to be a major slacker..........I don't think I was the only one who noticed it either. I thought she was a temp they brought in today......usually your management types aren't slackers on the first day.