Yub, Friday...

??? Just because I disagree with her about some things?

Truth is, she has my respect.

jack, I appreciate the olive branch, but no thanks. You and I tend to "play" differently on the net. Why in the world would I actively seek out someone who has no qualms about becoming verbally abusive towards me? I have much more respect for myself than that.

You treat people online as if it's a whole other entity than the real world (or I fervently hope you do, for your own sake). I tend to treat people online like I would treat them IRL.

Besides, I just don't trust you. :shrug:
Just consider it a momentary weakness.

It's passed, like the gas you truly are :D

jack, I appreciate the olive branch, but no thanks. You and I tend to "play" differently on the net. Why in the world would I actively seek out someone who has no qualms about becoming verbally abusive towards me? I have much more respect for myself than that.

You treat people online as if it's a whole other entity than the real world (or I fervently hope you do, for your own sake). I tend to treat people online like I would treat them IRL.

Besides, I just don't trust you. :shrug:

Pot, or kettle Friday? I don't trust you either, especially after the bullshit you pulled last time you got an invite.

Never mind, you aren't TKR material anyway.
I'm a busy chap. I barely have time for this place, eh what? Perhaps when I'm more time rich I'll sit down with a steaming cup of my favourite caffeinated elixir and peruse your board, ol' bean.

jack, I appreciate the olive branch, but no thanks. You and I tend to "play" differently on the net. Why in the world would I actively seek out someone who has no qualms about becoming verbally abusive towards me? I have much more respect for myself than that.

You treat people online as if it's a whole other entity than the real world (or I fervently hope you do, for your own sake). I tend to treat people online like I would treat them IRL.

Besides, I just don't trust you. :shrug:

I'm a busy chap. I barely have time for this place, eh what? Perhaps when I'm more time rich I'll sit down with a steaming cup of my favourite caffeinated elixir and peruse your board, ol' bean.

Awesome, when you decide, just pm me here your login and email. I'll make sure you get right in.

I think you'll be surprised. This iterations got some legs.