I am still amazing at computer games, but I just CANNOT get inot them anymore. It's really annoying because I used to spend hours and hours just pissing time away infront of various games and now I just can't do it, I get so fucking bored.
I have Call of Duty 2 that I have played 4 minutes of.
Black & White 2 that I have played for about an hour before I got bored with it.
F.E.A.R that was awesome frankly and I did comlplete it but I Was getting really bored at the end and it wasn't the games fault.
I have loads of games I never play. Zelda I WILL play. Oblivion I will play but thats only because they are both awesome RPG's of totally different styles.
FFX was a great game, I completed it ages back but it was nothing compared to FFVII. I have no intntion of ever getting FFX2.
Oblivlion Elder Scrolls IV is the game of the moment for me, it's going to be just incredible. March is the release date, full havok physics, Radiant AI, 1500 NPCS, Patrick Stewart, Sean Bean and Terrance Stam p as special voice guests and over 50 hours of recorded dialogue with a world over 16 REAL square miles in size, and hat's just above ground and not in th realm of Oblivion.
It is the TRUE next-gen RPG, been in development for five years, looks gorgeous and is going to rock.