
  1. Eggs Mayonnaise

    True Blood: the Comic Book

  2. Mentalist

    Walking Dead (comic)

  3. Big Dick McGee

    If the only "comic" you could ever read again was the daily Spider-Man strip

  4. Big Dick McGee

    I have every ALF comic ever made!

  5. Yub

    I wish I had the resources to go the San Diego Comic Con

  6. Dershocka

    I got one of those black lantern rings at the comic shop.

  7. CaptainWacky

    Website dedicated to comic book retcons

  8. VKD

    reminder: free comic book day - May 7 2011

  9. Elrod

    Reminder: Free Comic Book Day May 1

  10. Elrod

    Free Comic Book Day

  11. Eggs Mayonnaise

    My friend's a genius (comic geekness edition)

  12. Gagh

    Is Bobby Davro the UK equivalent of Martin Lawrence in the Comic Actors genre?

  13. CaptainWacky

    Let's all watch Comic Relief together (UK!)

  14. Big Dick McGee

    My favorite Bazooka Joe Comic
