5 Days

Love Child

One Love
Its getting closer!
I don't remember doing a countdown-and I remember why. I remember I had a court date-and I just had it in my mind that something would go wrong on that day and I wouldn't get divourced for some reason or another. So I didn't get my hopes up-but on that day it was such a relief.
Maybe its just different process with our state-but doing the paperwork was a pain in the ass. Do you have to go to court that day?

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Its getting closer!
I don't remember doing a countdown-and I remember why. I remember I had a court date-and I just had it in my mind that something would go wrong on that day and I wouldn't get divourced for some reason or another. So I didn't get my hopes up-but on that day it was such a relief.
Maybe its just different process with our state-but doing the paperwork was a pain in the ass. Do you have to go to court that day?

No. It's fairly easy here. We didn't contest anything, neither of us is paying each other anything. We just agreed to split child care and health costs. We sat down, filled out the paperwork, paid the $300 and filed it. They said there was a 6 month wait, and it would be effective on the 18th. That's pretty much it. It could have been far worse, so I'm thankful for that.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
