a complaint concerning the highest reaction score: is it fair?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
oh and my response?

jack said:
He tried to give it to me but I refused

The Question

Did you think that was meant to be effective for some purpose of some kind? "TQ just outed Brownfoot as a formerly shared account! To get back at him, I'm going to... out Brownfoot as a formerly shared account! THAT'LL show 'im!"

Um... okay...

See, the beauty -- and the disaster -- of you playing the role of retards like blackfoot NAP and C-40 is this: You do it so well because you really are retarded, so it comes naturally to ya. But, being that you actually are retarded, you're incapable of noticing when the jig(aboo) is up and knocking it off when you get caught.


Pinata Whacker
Did you think that was meant to be effective for some purpose of some kind? "TQ just outed Brownfoot as a formerly shared account! To get back at him, I'm going to... out Brownfoot as a formerly shared account! THAT'LL show 'im!"

Um... okay...

See, the beauty -- and the disaster -- of you playing the role of retards like blackfoot NAP and C-40 is this: You do it so well because you really are retarded, so it comes naturally to ya. But, being that you actually are retarded, you're incapable of noticing when the jig(aboo) is up and knocking it off when you get caught.
I don't think jack is Blackfoot NAP or C-40. Ok fine he might have shared the Brownfoot account with Charlemagne and others. Whoop de doo.

If we are going down the rabbit hole....I have my suspicions that jack might not be the 80 plus year old man he claims to be. Back when he ran TrollkingdomRadio he sounded more like a teenager when he was doing his radio announcements in between the music.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Did you think that was meant to be effective for some purpose of some kind? "TQ just outed Brownfoot as a formerly shared account! To get back at him, I'm going to... out Brownfoot as a formerly shared account! THAT'LL show 'im!"

Um... okay...

See, the beauty -- and the disaster -- of you playing the role of retards like blackfoot NAP and C-40 is this: You do it so well because you really are retarded, so it comes naturally to ya. But, being that you actually are retarded, you're incapable of noticing when the jig(aboo) is up and knocking it off when you get caught.
Shut the fuck up faggot. Like I said, you got nothing. I never posted with the BROWNFOOT account. That was all you. Hoisted by your own petard, as they say. You gave me the password after I loaned you that last 20, remember? Never used it. Didn't need to, since you did such a great job with it.

Talk about fucking stupid.

Stick to your racist bullshit. That sucks, but you seem to like it.

Like I've been saying...best 20 bucks I ever spent.
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The Legendary Troll Kingdom
.I have my suspicions that jack might not be the 80 plus year old man he claims to be.
I never claimed to be 80. That was the CeeJay toon. I was born in '61. Just started collecting SS. As a matter of fact, I got my first check in June :D

The Question

I never posted with the BROWNFOOT account.
Every post on that toon that didn't start with:

"TCH! cupcakeapleez!"

was you. There's no point in you denying it, because the posting styles were radically different.

In any case, now that you've changed the password on it, it's just another of your duals, like Yahooie, Synaesthesia, blackfoot NAP, C-40, and the rest. And, since you can't write "in character" worth a wet fucking fart, it'll become self-evident in short fucking order.

The Question

I don't think jack is Blackfoot NAP or C-40.
Ya don't, huh? Must be nice to live so unburdened by the ability to connect the fuckin' dots. And these fuckin' dots are elementary. So I guess you're extra "unburdened."


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Ya don't, huh? Must be nice to live so unburdened by the ability to connect the fuckin' dots. And these fuckin' dots are elementary. So I guess you're extra "unburdened."


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
For someone who didn't even know how the ignore function really worked despite having it explained in detail more than once, I'm sure your sooper sloothing skills are spot on.

Well, at least you outed yourself.

Great job.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Every post on that toon that didn't start with:

"TCH! cupcakeapleez!"

was you. There's no point in you denying it, because the posting styles were radically different.

In any case, now that you've changed the password on it, it's just another of your duals, like Yahooie, Synaesthesia, blackfoot NAP, C-40, and the rest. And, since you can't write "in character" worth a wet fucking fart, it'll become self-evident in short fucking order.
:bigass: best 20 bucks I ever spent.

By the way, I won't be responding to any more of your delusional bullshit, as our business has concluded. Forget about paying me back that last 20...it was worth every penny. There is help for your condition, but you need to seek it out.

See ya...wouldn't want to be ya.
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I don't think jack is C-40. Ok fine he might have shared the Brownfoot account with Charlemagne and others. Whoop de doo.

How'd my handle get dragged into this mess?...I just read this this thread to give out LIKES and ROLL EYES. :bigass:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Sure you would. And I'm betting that if you could find a way to do it, you would 'be me', too. That is to say... a shitty, garlic-scented, hook-nosed facsimile. ;)
What's really nice is you won't be the retarded autistic uncle that blurts out weird shit anymore.

A relief actually. Funny how all those duals suddenly stopped posting once you got banned.

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
the reason i say the reaction score is unfair.

i have posted more messages than "synaesthesia' , 'devilman', 'yahooee', 'brownfoot,' 'alyssum', and 'modman 'combined.

blackfoot NAP - 25,157 messages

'alyssum' - 2,378
'synaesthesia' - 1,905
'modman' - 1,122
'devilman' - 788
'brownfoot' - 512
'yahooe' - 238

^^but these half assed mothafucking no posting shit heads gave out more reaction points than i did.^^

staff should drop the reaction score because obviously it simply unfair


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
the reason i say the reaction score is unfair.

i have posted more messages than "synaesthesia' , 'devilman', 'yahooee', 'brownfoot,' 'alyssum', and 'modman 'combined.

blackfoot NAP - 25,157 messages

'alyssum' - 2,378
'synaesthesia' - 1,905
'modman' - 1,122
'devilman' - 788
'brownfoot' - 512
'yahooe' - 238

^^but these half assed mothafucking no posting shit heads gave out more reaction points than i did.^^

staff should drop the reaction score because obviously it simply unfair


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
^^i thought you were ignoring me, you old twat fucker^^
Poor cupcake....I never said I was ignoring you, I just simply stopped responding to your bullshit. In fact I never said anything.

Anything else or do you need it in larger type?


the reaction score is the most ridiculous function at 'troll kingdom' ever.

what is the purpose of this function?

The reaction score was VAP, Conchaga, Gear , Sarek, Morbo, Dirk Funk, YUB, missmanners and Dark Pickles contribution ideal back in 2008...Since they had multiple socks which they could use to say they OWNED/PWND you...That was the running JOKE back in tha day...None of those members besides jack post here any more, <<<VAP own those handles...VAP just recently had The Question/The Highwayman/The Saint/John/Daniel/Castle banned,<<<Vap now owns that account....HOLLA BLACK.


Well-Known Member
staff should drop the reaction score because obviously it simply unfair
Lots of things in life aren't fair, cupcake. Suck it up buttercup.

:bigass: btw, I have completed my mission, which was to get you to bitch and moan. Having done that, I will now leave you alone.

That means I will stop "roll eyeing" every post you make. (since it isnt fair.)

I can also "remove" some of the rolleyes as I go along if you like ;)

Have a nice day. :D
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