About Jamey Whistler's Banning....


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
WTF is up with dat! :eek:

I've been trying to get banned from here for years... and nothing has happened, no warnings, no daycare.. NOTHING!!!

She does ONE THING and "POOF" she's gone!!!!!

Its not fair I tell ya :phpgonk:

We all have a right to be banned, and I think its time we stood up for it.

I'm calling Jhonny Cochran, he'll get this straightened out

Oh, wait a minute.......he's dead! :eek:


Un Banned
I've been banned but never warned:hmmm:

I've satisfied my constitutional right to be banned yes:phpquestion:

And not to mention that garamet dame.

2 bans in one week at WF:eek:

Ironic to me as I joined WF as one of the outcomes of my expulsion ftom Big Blue:D

I hope both garamet & Jamie Whistler register HERE:)

Starguard, shame Cochran's dead:( Maybe Jackie Chiles is available:phpquestion: