Any AT&T DSL users care to do me a favor?

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
I just moved my site to a VPS from because Hostgator was too restrictive on ports. However, it looks like the IP I was assigned has been blacklisted by AT&T. Any mail sent from it to an AT&T email address gets bounced back, and I can't see the site from my AT&T phone. If anyone here uses AT&T for DSL, if you could just try to connect to ASVS and tell me if the page loads for you. We're working on getting AT&T to un-blacklist it, but they're being a sack of cunts.


On Sunday, Jan 30th at 11:59PM PST all ASVS sites will be going offline for approx. 24-36 hours.

The reason for this is we are moving to our own server!

This opens the door for us to have more functions on the site, plus hopefully, less lag!

The length of downtime may be shorter however expect a full day's worth of down time due to the size of the sites, and DNS settings.

All your post counts, reps etc will be copied over.

Also, the front page system will be removed for the time being due to asshats not telling me what I need to know for the past 3 weeks to make it all work

If you have any questions about the server downtime DURING the downtime, feel free to email me directly at askray [at] and I can respond to any technical concerns. Anything else can go into /dev/null kthx (And don't email me when it's going to be up kthx)

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Thanks. Are you using an AT&T DSL connection or were you trying through 3G? We did a reverse DNS like they asked but the fuckers still haven't un-blacklisted it. It's pissing me off.