Cameron - Promises not to link British nationality with naked political ambition


Can I have Ops?
Just bored of politicians speeches.

I'm British and it's brill being British, Everyone in this country is British, that means we are the same and we are all brill!

hey everyone, let's forget the fact all my family are stockbrokers and bankers and that they got us in this mess! Let's forget that my friends are either still collecting their bonus or are undergoing trial for fraud.



I want to smell dark matter
"I'm not saying gypsies are to blame for everything...but it's something to think about!" - Cameron

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
So, he's not so much Mitt Romney as he is Newt Gingrich.


I want to smell dark matter
"I'm not saying Britain would be a better place if we let the disabled starve to death...but c'mon!"


Can I have Ops?
"The poor exist in Britain because they have too much money and not enough ambition! Let's concentrate on those that want more money (and already have a bit) rather than those that have a little and frankly aren't going to make much of a difference"


Can I have Ops?
The good news is, that as much as our politicians are self serving toads who look after their own we haven't got politicians like Rep. Broun - who serves on the House Science Committee


Can I have Ops?
The good news is, that as much as our politicians are self serving toads who look after their own we haven't got politicians like Rep. Broun - who serves on the House Science Committee


I want to smell dark matter
...why is he surrounded by dead animals?


Touching the monolith
Staff member

The walls of hell are decorated with the heads of sinful deer.


I want to smell dark matter
"I'm mates with Boris Johnson. THAT MAKES ME COOL, RIGHT? - Cameron

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Boris was funnier on The Daily Show SO YEAH CAMERON SHOULD NAME-DROP.


Can I have Ops?
Cameron - "My dad died, did you hear that at the back?"

I bet a lot of you have got dead relatives - see? LOADS IN COMMON WITH OTHER PEOPLE!


Can I have Ops?
Cameron - "All this British stuff is not about cashing in on the Olympics and the fact our votes are being nicked by those UKIP bastards, no sireee!"


I want to smell dark matter
"I fucking hate black people." - Cameron