CBS fires Imus


Vuhlkansu Wihs

NEW YORK (CNN) -- CBS has canceled Don Imus' radio show, effective immediately, after uproar over his racist and sexist comments about Rutgers women's basketball team.

"From the outset, I believe all of us have been deeply upset and revulsed by the statements that were made on our air about the young women who represented Rutgers University in the NCAA Women's Basketball Championship with such class, energy and talent," said CBS President and Chief Executive Officer Leslie Moonves, in announcing the decision.

The decision by CBS came a day after NBC Universal decided to part ways with Imus, thus canceling the simulcast of his show on MSNBC.

What a fucking joke. Both Sharpton and Jackson need to be shot.

Frankly, this is bullshit. What Imus said was fucked up, no doubt about. But over the last week I've watched countless interviews with blacks and the predominant attitude has been "it's ok for us, but not for him." I watched one black women defend the black communities use of the word "ho" by saying it's a word that they can use to describe each other but it's not okay for a white person to use it.

Fuck'em. First they want "cupcakeer", now they want "ho" too. Make up your fucking minds. You want "ho", then we want "cupcakeer" back.

If BLACK ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK has a message board, I say we troll the site into oblivion and call for the cancellation of the network.


New Member

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Good idea, but you'd better use a proxy when doing it, unless you want to go to jail over some dumb cupcakeers.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Even with a proxy, I don't think an account over there would last more than 1 or 2 posts before being canned.

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Sarek said:
Even with a proxy, I don't think an account over there would last more than 1 or 2 posts before being canned.

True, and that's why you register multiple accounts.

Now if it were to happen, then what we need are rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Well, one sure way to ensure an account stays active would be to register the name "Ho" or "cupcakeer". :p


Whether or not Imus is a dumbfuck (which he is) its supposed to be free speech. Silencing him only hurts the supposed cause of people like Al Sharpton. It only feeds racism. Al Sharpton is a joke to civil rights. Fuck em.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Dershocka said:
Whether or not Imus is a dumbfuck (which he is) its supposed to be free speech. Silencing him only hurts the supposed cause of people like Al Sharpton. It only feeds racism. Al Sharpton is a joke to civil rights. Fuck em.

While he's mellowed a bit, Imus is still a shock jock. That's what he's paid to do.

The problem here is for so long, the black community has been screaming to be treated as equals. Sharpton and Jackson are trying to label everything they do as part of the civil rights movement. The problem is, the civil rights movement ended 25 years ago when blacks were given equal rights in society. Now, people like Sharpton and Jackson don't want equal rights. They want to be treated better than the average person with more privilege, more breaks, more cut corners, more freebies and more handouts. "We're black, we deserve to be treated special."

I have no doubt that Imus will probably be picked up by another network somewhere with a bit more balls and bit less of the political correctness attitude. But it sucks that one group can blatantly deny social convention for their own benefit but cause this type of bullshit for another.

CBS can suck ass also. The mother fuckers are one of the leading distributors of Gangster rap labels. Hypocrites.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
If the corporate sponsors hadn't pulled out en masse so quickly, he wouldn't have been dropped so quickly. He was already going to be suspended for two weeks before the big sponsors started caving and aligning against him.

He'll show up on satellite radio, once it's certain that the XM-Sirius merger talks aren't going to kill the business completely.

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Ironic, considering he and Stern hate each other with a passion.


King of Sarcasm
I dont see anything wrong with Imus being fired. The sponsors of MSNBC have spoken by pulling their ads. This is how a free market economy is supposed to work.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
dogbert said:
I dont see anything wrong with Imus being fired. The sponsors of MSNBC have spoken by pulling their ads. This is how a free market economy is supposed to work.

First off, he was paid to do exactly what he did. Create controversy.

Second, Imus' comments in no way equal the way that the black community degrades women via the music called "rap" that they define as "art". Yet I very much doubt that anyone will seriously challenge the rap community on it.

Third, CBS fired Imus. Not MSNBC. MSNBC only carried his program on their lineup. And CBS is a major distributer of Gangster Rap labels. So they're making a fortune off of black "artists" that degrade women as a routine part of their business. Hypocritical double standard.

Fourth, Sharpton and Jackson are parasites that, like with everything they do, are only in this to generate publicity for themselves and their "cause".

Those two fuckers would push a carriage of black babies out in front of a moving bus if they knew there was a way for a camera to catch it and a white man around to blame for it.


Staff member
I tend to agree that the massive overreaction and double-standards are getting more than a little thin on the ground. It stopped being about racism a long time ago. He said something idiotic. Wow. It was pretty fucking stupid but the fallout has been pathetic frankly. All this hollering and crying about "whites" and what they can and can't say or do or act when it comes to minorities has gone beyond the reasonable and simply become one huge double-standard.

And we all know that I am pretty damn liberal minded on such issues on the whole.

Why don't we stop women wearing short skirts while we're at it.


King of Sarcasm
Sarek said:
First off, he was paid to do exactly what he did. Create controversy.

Second, Imus' comments in no way equal the way that the black community degrades women via the music called "rap" that they define as "art". Yet I very much doubt that anyone will seriously challenge the rap community on it.

Third, CBS fired Imus. Not MSNBC. MSNBC only carried his program on their lineup. And CBS is a major distributer of Gangster Rap labels. So they're making a fortune off of black "artists" that degrade women as a routine part of their business. Hypocritical double standard.

Fourth, Sharpton and Jackson are parasites that, like with everything they do, are only in this to generate publicity for themselves and their "cause".

Those two fuckers would push a carriage of black babies out in front of a moving bus if they knew there was a way for a camera to catch it and a white man around to blame for it.

He is an at will employee and he can be fired by his employer at their whim. It doesnt matter how hypocritical you or I think CBS is for doing so, corporations do hypocritical things everyday. His controversyu created a bad business eviroment for CBS and did the responsible thing for their shareholders which is their sole responsibility.


New Member
I agree with the lot of you. He was an employee and he was fired for a good reason. The motivation behind it was BS but, at its core, it was to make sure no good group of customers was alienated. Truth is, white people are a lot more tolerant of slurs than blacks are. So until the day that whites become as thin-skinned as blacks, or until a set of balls drop, comes, we'll see this 'behind the scenes' controversy over the deep, important, masturbatory social meaning behind this rubbish being discussed.

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
I want everyone here to consider something... not saying it's true, but just consider it.

Imus has made a habit of racial and sexist slurs on his show in the past. People have come to expect it now and then. So this shouldn't be a shock to anyone... least of all Al Sharpton.

Last December, Imus mentioned that CBS was run by "money-grubbing Jews." I waited for the bottom to fall out, but it didn't.

Now... he makes another of a long line of racist comments, and suddenly everyone comes out of the woodwork to take shots at him. I can't help but think there's a chain of events going on here that started back in December.

I said when this all started a few days ago... that's highly unusual of Imus to so quickly apologize for something like that. There was something going on behind the scenes that originally scared him into compliance. What that something is... I really don't know.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
It's possible. On one of his recent broadcasts he mentioned that there were some unusual things going on behind the scenes as far as his broadcasts were concerned.

I don't think for a moment that he won't be picked up somewhere else. Either way. I think we'll be hearing a lot from him in regards to this whole thing pretty soon.


New Member
Sarek said:
I think we'll be hearing a lot from him in regards to this whole thing pretty soon.
Not in any public medium.

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Don't count him out yet. He was fired back in 1978 I think for his cocaine and alcohol dependency. He spent over 100 days off teh air, and came back stronger than ever.


New Member
Sounds like small potatoes compared to this.