Comedy and Drama


I love you
I attended my first real live comedy show last night. 4 Comedians.
The house had rules such as, No texting, No cell phones, no heckling the comedians.
Understandable. Ok.
Soooooooo I'm not sure who started it but I think one of the comedians engaged the audience members. Asked a question, a member answered, and dialogue was had. Then suddenly I see this guy with an ear piece approach the audience guy and told him something.
Show goes on.
Then one of the comedians takes a guy in front (same table) one of his french fries. The guy laughs about it.
More dialoque is had. He gets approached again.
One time-the comedian says to the earpiece guy, "Its ok, I engaged him"
Ok, duh mother fucker.
Show goes on, different comedian, someone at the table gets called gay, everyone at the table has a good sense of humor it seems. Next comedian something happens-oh yeah the guy is on his cell phone, using facebook and the earpiece guys go crazy and the comedian goes crazy and they kick the whole table out, and a girl starts yelling and someone throws something on stage and a glass breaks.

Sorry my story telling is crappy I am pretty tired.
Other than that it was kind of a fun show. Full house. Amazing.
$4.00 for some Irish Water I drank. Mmm Yum. :rolleyes:

The comedian had such an ego-he was like, "Dude, that is so disrespectful, you are at a live show and you are on facebook? Seriuosly"

I mean he made a point-but the table was a good sport all night, sounds like they were regulars, maybe they had previous problems or something-I think one got arrested too for throwing the glass.


I love you
I saw way more breasts then I ever want to see again.
There was a Nazi Bathroom Lady directing traffic and handing out paper towels and taking tips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe it was part of the act!


beer, I want beer
I can see the celphone thing being a nuisance, but what kind of comedy house doesnt let the comedians engage the audience. Half of them, that's their whole act...