Cosmo takes a swing at Superheo Psychology

Dark Pickle

Fucked Off
And is anyone suprised with the result?

Who he worships: Superman
What it reveals: Superman is the quintessential “nice guy” — he’s loyal, believes that people are inherently good, and is always ready to save the day.

Who he worships: Spider-Man
What it reveals: Spider-Man is the underdog of all superheroes. As Peter Parker, he’s sensitive, completely responsible, and a bit nerdy.

Who he worships: Batman
What it reveals: Batman — aka Bruce Wayne — drives a badass car, dates supermodels, and is rolling in, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why he appeals to your dude.

Who he worships: The Hulk
What it reveals: This superhero goes from the quiet, reserved Bruce Banner to the big, green Hulk whenever he gets pissed off. Scary, right?

Ok, MY favorite superhero's are Green Lantern and Ghost Rider.

So what does that say about me, ladies??????????

(Other than I'm a DORK, which should be obvious by now)

Dark Pickle

Fucked Off

Care Bears: Cute and cuddly little luve bears...Obviously she's clingy and will smother you.

She Rah: Man-hating feminazi that has to prove she's better than you in every way!

Jem: High maintenance Prima Dona...always has to have her way.

Strawberry ShortCake: Donna Reed Syndrome, wants to trap you into marriage.


What a joke. None of those thing are what makes Superman or Batman appealing to me. If my fav hero was Plastic Man, what then?

My brain feels less intelligent for having read it.