Deleted my SC account


RIP 1970~2018
If you're going to take three days to re. I really need to learn how to circle back.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
So what did Jack offer you to help?

Squeeze the base on the upstroke, fuckley. You won't come nearly as quick.


I love you
it won't be the same without you

Y'know, duals should be skinned alive slowly. They should bleed just enough to prolong their agony for hours.

Is Dudh me? I can't remember. Will someone send me a PM if its them and then I can stop trying the password. Thanks.

Just kidding jack it really isn't me. I mean why would I log in with a dual to tell Hambil it won't be the same at SC without him?

*Assures self* Yeah, I wouldn't do that. I mean he barely posted at SC anyway!

Good Day.