Does anybody still have a valid account at EI?


moral imperfection
pm me. Personae non gratae (fyi, that's Latin for troll) only, please, the others are obvious, anyway.


GFHH Moderator
I know CU had three left last time we were talking.

I only have the one left which i don't want to burn right now.


moral imperfection
I know CU had three left last time we were talking.
CU's not answering me. When you talk to him, pls ask him if he's up to some shenanigans, pls.

I only have the one left which i don't want to burn right now.
I have an idea that wouldn't endanger your sleeper account. PM me if you're interested.


New Member
Main screen turn on. All your base, base, base, are belong to us. All your base, are belong to us.


beer, I want beer
Ooooh, I remember EI! I was unjustly banned after only TWO posts! I still hold the record for the fastest ban there. Natch. I OWNED the fuckers.