Ed Goat-Yay still brings the funny

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
as does ceci n-est pas un chaussette.

No shit. I swear to god Ed must be his muse. I've never come across someone so artfully use the exact same same flame over and over, and still manage to keep it funny:

Oh, Dogfucking Challenge Pussy. Did you use your Friday night to tell everyone on a comic book message board how important you are?

This is why you shouldn't try to spread your madness to other forums, Dogfucking Challenge Pussy. I'm clearly the only one who's willing to help you.

I mean look at you... just a few months away from here, and already you've got a whole new round of delusions built up.

Because I'm hoping to help you with your terrible racism. The dogfucking is the top priority, but that doesn't mean it's the only terrible behavior that needs correcting.

I know that would make things easier for you, Dogfucking Challenge Pussy. But it's simply not the case. There's a reason pretty much everyone calls you a dogfucker, both here and on other forums.

I speak the truth. Others see it for the simple truth it is. The truth spreads out across the land.

You fuck dogs.

No, that was just a little aside, in the (vain) hope that learning a thing or two about human females might lure you away from the dogs. But I know you have to face your delusions before you can overcome them. Until you admit that you fuck dogs, you'll never be able to face up to the fact that your dogfucking is wrong.

Of course, you also won't acknowledge the inarguable fact that 48% of all AIDS victims are female. You try to avoid the fact with racist (and, if you insist, sexist) loops and whirls of delusion, proving anew with every post what everyone else already knows: everything you think, say, or do is wrong.

You are always wrong.

But in the face of this wrongness, you spend years unable to speak the simple words, "I, Ed Gauthier, fucker of dogs and he who pussies out of challenges, am wrong. I said women were a tiny fraction of all AIDS victims, when in fact they are almost half."

That's all it takes. The truth is always simplest, Dogfucking Challenge Pussy. Don't run from it.

Has all that dog blood and sexual fluid finally creeped up into your brain, Dogfucking Challenge Pussy? Nobody, no matter how insane, could ever really think that an entire continent full of female AIDS victims proves that there are barely any women with AIDS. Not even a delusional dogfucker such as yourself.

On a side note, you clearly still can't admit you were wrong about the population of South Africa. You are the saddest dogfucker in the world, Dogfucking Challenge Pussy. In a group composed, by definition, of sad dogfuckers, you are the saddest of all.

At the very least, it's stunning that you still can't even admit you were wrong about the population of South Africa.

Not as stunning as the fact that you fuck dogs. But stunning nonetheless.

What I don't understand is why you rail at others for your own failings. If you don't like being considered a racist, why not change you racist opinions? If you don't like being called a dogfucker, why not stop fucking dogs?

That's exceptionally sad, Dogfucking Challenge Pussy. It's such a minor thing, and you still can't bring yourself to say the words "yeah, I was wrong about that." If even such a small measure of self-improvement is so difficult for you, how are you ever supposed to work on something huge, like the dogfucking?

Can't you read your own name, Dogfucking Challenge Pussy? You don't lose [challenges]. You pussy out of them before they even really begin. That's where the "challenge pussy" part of your name comes from, Dogfucking Challenge Pussy.

The "dogfucking" part comes from the fact that you fuck dogs.

This one almost had me in tears:

I actually responded to you several times, Dogfucking Challenge Pussy. Your delusional mind just bleeps right over it. You respond to it the same way you do every time someone says something you don't want to hear: you run back to your basement, cry, scream, impotently punch the bare concrete walls, pass out for a few hours, wake up with bloody hands, broken fingers, and underwear full of feces, and angrily violate an affenpinscher.


Victor Von Dood:
I find these exchanges utterly hilarious.

Ceci n'est pas une chaussette:
Me too!
Until I remember the suffering of the dogs. That makes me sad.


Registered User
ROFL, yeah he's an artist with the Ed flame. It's impressive. Takes serious patience, since Ed so diligently stays in character. I indugled in it at one point, but it's simply too much work.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Commie was fun at one time. Now it's just Cory spam.

It's amazingly dull and vapid. Imagine if it were savante?