Eggheads contestant taking literally five minutes to answer a question


I want to smell dark matter


Is this real life?
The explaining is why I never watch it. I'm not a big fan of The Weakest Link, but the one thing it does give you is quickfire questioning. The Eggheads and contestants always explain why this could be the answer, but they think the name sounds German, that answer could be correct, but they're not convinced by the anachronistic timing and they've decided to go for option b, because they remember it being the correct answer in a pub quiz in 1976 and they were certain about it all along so didn't really need to explain why the other possible answers were wrong in the first place.


I want to smell dark matter
And Daphne always pretends she doesn't know the answer and is just guess, but always gets it right.


I want to smell dark matter


Is this real life?
Maybe my Countdown friend could take over, though he is the opposite of a massive twat (and I don't mean he's a little dick).


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe MENTY can take over.


I want to smell dark matter
The new Egghead should be called "JC" and it's just CJ dressed up as Jesus doing one of his "acting" roles.


I want to smell dark matter
I love that I can search "Eggheads" on Twitter and find people saying the exact same thing I was thinking (one of the challengers was hot.)


Is this real life?
It's a pretty low budget show, so they could probably take the whole half hour to answer and it'd suit the producers.


I want to smell dark matter
But yeah this girl was Scottish and an electircal engineer and you could tell Jeremy Vine fancied her a bit (she still lost her head to head.)


I want to smell dark matter
I have just heard Jeremy Vine says the words "Imogen POOTS". I can die happy now.