External Drives


Let's fuck some shit up
I wanna get an external drive, but I'm not 100% on what I should get.

I've been leaning towards getting a Western Digital 1T Portable drive. It's compatible with my mac and seems to be the most reliable drive I can find.

However, there are other alternatives like, getting a good SATA drive and an external enclosure. Or, I can get the 2T Western Digital desktop external.

Is there any one storage system that works better, or is it really all the same?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Western Digital = awesome.

I have 2 1TB drives (the flat black/charcoal ones) and a 2TB standup drive. Me likee.

At some point I should probably look into a file server, but I'm a timid woodland creature.


Well in that case, I have a 500gb external hard disk, bought from the same company that I linked above, that was accidently knocked off a table, and subsequently smashed onto the hard floor below while causing several heart attacks (that hard disk had every single episode and movie of all of Star Trek, 15 seasons of Stargate, all of Farscape, almost all of the Simpsons, and a 90% completed saved game of Breath of Fire 3). I wish I could say it survived, but after that disaster all I got from it was the click of death.

As a small consilation, even though this incident happened a full 2 months after its one year warentee expired, the company happily sent me a new drive after I mailed the old one back.

So I'm pretty happy with this Falcon Drives company and would recomend them to anyone. Plus their external drives are really slick looking. They'd look good next to a Mac Book Pro.


Sinless and Purrfect
I have several WD externals. They are the roxxorz.


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Western Digital = awesome.

I have 2 1TB drives (the flat black/charcoal ones) and a 2TB standup drive. Me likee.

At some point I should probably look into a file server, but I'm a timid woodland creature.

Ditto. I scored a 1TB drive for $100 at Walmart