Fuck Global Warming

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!

Another study has "substantially lower[ed]" the U.N.'s forecasts of potential temperature increases, the authors of the study concluding that climate change is "not as bad as we thought." The findings follow another study published in January that "all but rules out" both "very high climate sensitivities" as well as the lower end predictions of the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The new study, conducted by climatologist Judith Curry and mathematician Nick Lewis and published in the American Meteorological Society's "Journal of Climate" on April 23, downgrades the predicted global temperature increases by 30-45% compared to the forecasts of the IPCC.

The Question

But you should still live like a tent-dwelling Bedouin, because that's how your Enlightened Collectivist Betters(tm) want it.


Forever Empress E
Of all the things one could fuck, why would one want to fuck global warming?