Gay: Choice or genetics?

Sir Sacrifyx

Sacrifyx Aloysius Bastard I
What say you?


RIP 1970~2018
Some of the gay guys I've seen seem to have choice genetics.

But it should be backwards compatible heterosexual right?

I feel like I choose to be straight. Would that be what genetic predisposition feels like?


beer, I want beer
I reject the notion that another person's orientation is something I need to label or concern myself with, provided it doesn't interfere with the health and well-being of those I choose to protect. I would imagine the truth, like in most absolutes, is more a combination of causal factors.
Which aspect of homosexuality are we trying to determine as such? Strictly the sexual stuff? The strong desire for showtunes and well-decorated homes? An addiction to flannel and Birkenstocks as a fashion ensemble?



It's upbringing and environment during early childhood/school, which is neither genes nor choice.

Sir Sacrifyx

Sacrifyx Aloysius Bastard I

It's upbringing and environment during early childhood/school, which is neither genes nor choice.

I'm more inclined towards choice, personally. Out of curiosity though, what kind of early childhood experiences would drive someone gay in your opinion?


Holy Roman Emperor
Homosexuality is a result of neither choice nor genetics. It has to do with how the brain is wired.


It's biological, not genetic. One is defintely born gay or straight (i.e. ''nature'') how one likes it that way is about something else.("nuture").


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Maybe it's biological for you...


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
That would be you. :bigass: