Global Warming is junk science

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
It's been created by scientist who want to keep getting fat government grants for sitting on their asses doing nothing all day.

If I was an evironmental scientist, I'd love to get in on the Global Warming racket.

Oh, and the liberal media plays up Global Warming, and calls anyone who challenges it a "ninny".


Staff member
Well, it is rather stupid to ignore. You may not believe that it is yet totally proven but there is more than just compelling evidence to suggest Global Warming. And anyway, it's stupid to think that a 100 years of major 24/7 pollution has not harmed this planets atmosphere, we're doing damage, wasting away the Earth and it is a finite resource.


The observed decrease is driven by a large and rapid decline in methyl bromide, a brominated gas that is regulated internationally by the Montreal Protocol. It is larger than that expected from model calculations as given in the WMO/UNEP 2002 Scientific Assessment to Ozone Depletion


Greenhouse gas emissions

Coal-burning power plants, automobile exhausts, factory smokestacks, and other waste vents of the human environment contribute about 22 billion tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the earth's atmosphere each year. Animal agriculture, manure, natural gas, rice paddies, landfills, coal, and other sources contribute about 250 million tons of methane each year. About half of human emissions have remained in the atmosphere. The atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and CH4 have increased by 31% and 149% respectively above pre-industrial levels since 1750. This is considerably higher than at any time during the last 650,000 years, the period for which reliable data has been extracted from ice cores. From less direct geological evidence it is believed that CO2 values this high were last attained 40 million years ago. About three-quarters of the anthropogenic emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere during the past 20 years is due to fossil fuel burning. The rest is predominantly due to land-use change, especially deforestation [7].
The longest continuous instrumental measurement of CO2 mixing ratios began in 1958 at Mauna Loa. Since then, the annually averaged value has increased monotonically from 315 ppmv (see the Keeling Curve). The concentration reached 376 ppmv in 2003. South Pole records show similar growth [8]. The monthly measurements display small seasonal oscillations.
Note that anthropogenic emissions of other pollutants - notably sulphate aerosol - can exert a cooling effect; this accounts for the plateau/cooling seen in the temperature record in the middle of the century

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Scientists are doing complete 180's every day. I just don't believe things are as dire as they report.


Staff member
Well, I agree that scientists are guilty of scare mongering to bring light and money to the cause quicker, I'm not THAT naive.

That said 22 fucking billion tons of carbon minoxide a YEAR into the Ozone. That's a hell of a lot. Seeing as we can fly around most of the planet in 24 hours it just goes to show that the World really isn't that big. And the abuse it has taken has been major in a very, very small period of time. Another 50 years of continued abuse at even higher scales and then if not us then your son and my future children ect.. will be paying the price.


beer, I want beer
I think the problem is that both parties are correct, to a certain extent. The earth regularly goes through periods of warming and cooling, and we are currently passing through a natural period of warming. At the same time, this period of warming has perhaps been made more severe, because greenhouse gases are effecting the ability of the atmosphere to compensate.

This is why politics and science need to be separated, like small children fighting on a playground. Scientists need to jettison their own politics and focus on empirical evidence. They also need to be more open to alternative theories and explanations.

Politicizing this is just stupid.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
(SHHH! I'm just trolling the left wing liberals in the hopes their heads will explode!! Oh, and V MARS is all packed up, I'll ship it on Monday!!!)


Staff member
Oh, the World does definitley change temperature at quite large rates. Earth is not a static eco system.

But the jump it has made is beyond any pre-recorded rise and it just happens to coincide with the insane amounts of pollution we burn every day in our 21'st century society.

We are finding more and more proof that polar-ice that has been frozen for a millenia has started to melt. Coincidence? I doubt it. This ice has stayed frozen through all the other warming periods the world has gone through. It's the rate and SPEED of change as well. Usually incremental change has occured over thoudandsa of years. Now we are seeing changes that are (I don't know the exact numbers but many x the amount we have seen over any similar time period) While the warming and cooling of the planet is a natural phenomenon we are doing extreme damage, I just have to believe we are. And I am not usually one to jump on the bandwagon with everyone else. In this case my own personal and lamens research into the whole thing has left me a firm believer.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Hurricanes, and in particular hurricane season are proof of global warming.

You realize there's still a haze from that huge volcano that exploded like thirty years ago?

If the caps melt, we've some serious problems. I don't really care why it's happening, but it is.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Thank you, Pintaubo it is.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I don't know? Ride bikes?


OH SHIT. I MAY DIE! (But not of Global Warming, as I will be dead before it fucks the planet over seriously anyway).