Happy Badlands Reunion Day


moral imperfection
Shit, I knew there was something I was supposed to do with regards to TK. Oh well.
Happy BRD for you, as well, Mirah!


stealth ninja
I'm here. And today is the perfect day to announce a changeover of power here in the Badlands.

I am your new leader

worship me

defy me at your peril


Pinata Whacker
I did no recruiting for this.

I totally missed this. Went to see Captain Squeeze and the Zydeco Moshers and Buckweat Zydeco in a free concert in the park. And then saw the midknight showing of the Dark Knight Rises....awesome btw.

Glad/sad to see the reunion was uneventful.


moral imperfection
The reunion was exactly as a Badlands reunion should be. Several completely lazy people posting once, one Dual-impersonator trying to get a rise out of exceedingly stoic Badlanders, and about 30 ppl who had better things to do than reunite.

I'm calling it a success. Let's re-reunite in December.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What are "The Badlands"?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Fucking guy really pulled it off. What a mess. 12 dead 59 wounded. He even booby trapped his apartment.