
The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You old dog you.

Almost a geminii LOL


bad dog

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Thank you all im 42 years old.

we are going to load up the dogs, gas up the truck and drive up the mountains till we hit snow and then get out and play.

I dont want cake or fucking pie, and fuck BBQ.

I want to take the truck up and take pictures of wildlife, hunt mushrooms and smoke weed. then go hang in the woods with the dogs and not hear a thing other then popping open a beer.

the old lady better give me some doggie style fucking or i will just take it and not even ASK


Shifty sumbitch
Who let the dawg out --- who?

Happy birthday. Sometime I'm going to have to drive up and visit.


Forever Empress E
Happy Birthday - hope you get what you wished for.


Retired Account
sex in the woods is what he wished for... like the rest of us wud wish...



beer, I want beer
Happy birthday, old dude. When I was your age we didn't have no fancy internetz, we had to whisper our insults into a pigeon's ear and hope the damn bird didn't say it wrong when he got to the other person's house. Almost wound up engaged to a Samoan Sumo wrestler that way once...he still writes.


Shifty sumbitch
On the plus side, said Samoan Sumo wrestler is now one of your closest friends... right?


beer, I want beer
On the plus side, said Samoan Sumo wrestler is now one of your closest friends... right?

Used to be. We went to Vegas once and there was some...unpleasantness...with the employees at the Circus Circus buffet. Some blood and scrambled eggs were spilled, both of us were permabanned from the Strip, and we haven't spoken since. I think it's an awkward memory for us both, and the burns from the steam table took a long time to heal.