Hell of a finish to the playoffs.


beer, I want beer
No matter who you root for, the game currently on is a damn good game and is having the finish you SHOULD have for a championship game. That's all I'm saying. Good fight both teams...that's what american football is all about.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Woohoo Saints! So glad Brett Farve got his ass shown once again in the playoffs. Vintage Brett...throwing an intereception to end his season. Third time was certainly not the charm.

And hellooooooooooo Austin Collie. Mm..mm..mm...

Drew Brees is fucking hot too in that clip where they are celebrating on the field and he turns his hat backwards and starts dancing. COME TO MAMA

Sorry...I'm sure you didn't mean for this to turn into a lustfest for Tisi, but sports is my job, so I've got to get some pleasure out of it. ;)

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
They played the national radio announcer's call this morning, and it was something like, "Brett Favre rolls out, he's looking, he fired is...INTERCEPTED! IT'S INTERCEPTED...Favre throws an interception to end the game, I think we've all seen this movie before!!"

LOL. I am SO FUCKING HAPPY that Favre lost. I was so sick of hearing about him being a "warrior" and a "gunslinger" and the constant cutaways to his wife.

I swear to God, if the whole retirement issue comes up again after the Super Bowl, I will actively root for him to get injured.

Oh, and it should be a fucking GREAT Super Bowl! My money's on Manning and the Colts. I think he just knows how to win.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
His wife (and especially his daughter) are both pretty fucking hawt.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
I always figured you for a fucking pedophile, jack. His daughter, Braliegh, is FUCKING 11 YEARS OLD. You sick fuck.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
you're a fucking idiot. I'm talking about his 22 year old daughter Brittany.

It figures you'd single out the younger sibling, but then kiddie touching always was your forte, at least according to your slant ex.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
She''s the blonde on the left, kidtoucher. You should be jailed for your perverse thoughts, pedo. Better tell Laura to keep an eye on you, especially with a little boy on the way.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
anyway, as I was saying (before pedobear interrupted us with his perverse masturbation fantasies) is that his women are hawt, and they are.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
you're a fucking idiot. I'm talking about his 22 year old daughter Brittany.

It figures you'd single out the younger sibling, but then kiddie touching always was your forte, at least according to your slant ex.

Sure you were. Uh-huh. But it was his dark-haired 11-year-old they kept cutting away to.

Do your neighbors know about your proclivities?


beer, I want beer
I'm not hating on Favre, he said he had one season left in him and he sure as hell did, right until he fucked up that last play. Still, the game was entertaining as hell, plenty of offense, defense and even teh drama mixed in (Favre's bonehead play and the phantom touchdown by the Saints). IMO you can't ask for a better playoff game than either of those two on Sunday. And the way the Jets manhandled the Colts for 30 minutes, only to have super ice-cold Peyton come back and show them how men play the game. Damn.

I just hope the SB lives up to the games that led into it...


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Ewww...Jack! His wife looks like she's been rode hard and put up wet.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Really? She seems wholesome and fairly decent to me



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
But then I'm 55, so your mileage may vary. I mean to me, Janis Joplin was freaking hawt.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Sure you were. Uh-huh. But it was his dark-haired 11-year-old they kept cutting away to.

Do your neighbors know about your proclivities?

You're a sick man. Sad.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Nope, she doesn't do anything for me. But to each their own. :)


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I wouldn't have a problem titfucking her, then perhaps cutting off her arms.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop

*walks away humming and reminiscing about last week*