How I know my life is over

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I just laughed out loud during Wheel of Fortune. And not in a mocking way. I laughed WITH it.

Can someone forward my mail to the old folks home?


New Member
What were you doing watching it in the first place?


U mad 'bro?
That also means you were watching it long enough to hear a complete Pat Sayjack-ism.


Retired Account
as were you^


I want to smell dark matter


Is this real life?
Was the word a double entendre that the production team didn't pick up on?


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Eggs, you'd do well in an old folks home.

Then you wouldn't have to work and you could sit in your fat leather chair wearing your plush robe while smoking cigars and drinking fine wine and other spirits and scoff at things said on the internet all day. You could also stroke your beard inquisitively (if you don't have one, you should grow it) while serving women fluff the pillow under your feet and behind your head.

Also, this is how I picture you using the internet every day. Please don't burst my bubble.


Retired Account
i concur...


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Eggs, just move down here with me. You know you want to. I've got an RV!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
what the fuck? I LOVE wheel of fortune. I guess the words before the fucking morans that play the game alla time. And Pat Sajak is a GOD TO ME

I'm just sayin'


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Plus whats her name is skinny enough that you can pretend she's a guy Eggs :bigass:

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Dude, I'm sorry, but LG and I watch Jeopardy! every day (and she's constantly amazed at all the junk stored in the hoarder's paradise that is my brain), and we ALWAYS joke that Jeopardy is like the Doctor in your family, whilst Wheel of Fortune is like the "slow" little brother who never really made anything of himself.

I's just sayin'!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Oh Jeopardy is another story. I watch it religiously, plus the reruns on GSN. And I don't have a problem with watching WOF every day either IN THEORY -- I work at home, the TV's on, whatchagonnadoo amirite?

But a male contestant was trying to be cute/funny, and when he spun a Bankrupt, Pat sort of did a Kramden/Norton thing like "WILLYOUCOMEON!" when he asked for the guy's prize card back, and the guy handed it to him from behind -- it turned into a quick bit of actual comedy amid all the forced smiling and the routine motions...IT CAUGHT ME OFF-GUARD OKAY???

So maybe it's not that I've softened, but that it was such an event for them to leave the script for 10 seconds. MAYBE I'M NOT DEAD YET AFTER ALL!!!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
and I didn't spell "morans" incorrectly.

Unless you aren't familiar with this...


Dr Dave

I don't know if this is true or not, but they say there are two kids of people. Wheel of Fortune people and Jeopardy people.
Over thanksgiving, my in-laws were watching Jeopardy with THE SOUND OFF. That makes no. Fucking. Sense. It was like a cock tease for my brain, all this shit I don't know and I don't get to HEAR THE GODDAMN ANSWERS!