I am a creepy Stalker and I am going to Stalk Someone

I Love Cunt

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CAn you guess who?
I am going to look for her everywhere
because she has totally shown me that she is interested in me
in some way or another
I know she wants me
she can't deny it
I am sexy
and omg
I mean seriously
every woman here on TK wants me
I know it
[/creepy stalker]


Your accusations of stalking and general creepiness are obviously aimed at me. I say you lay all details on the table and stand back.


Pinata Whacker
The details are all over TK. Me, Dirk, and Yub have been telling you that you're a creepy perv for weeks. Now that a woman is telling you the same, maybe you'll believe it.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
You can stalk me any time LC. ;)


DirkFunk, isn't HomoErectus one of your other (many) alternate usernames on the board?