I guess Davina doesnt do hard


Boobie inspector
Davina - You were a racist

Danielle - No, I'm just a stupid bitch

Davina - Fair enough, Jack..

Jack - I'm just thick

Davina - True, heres your best bits


I want to smell dark matter
No, it's their "story".


Is this real life?
I almost felt sorry for Jack getting taken the piss out of on Big Maff.


I want to smell dark matter
I wonder what Dirk, Jermaine and Shilpa made of the filth coming out Ole Russ' mouth.


Is this real life?
I wondered that myself. I thought he tone it down once Shilpa and Jermaine arrived, but NO. Dirk loved it, I'm sure. First intelligent talk he'd heard for almost a month.


I want to smell dark matter
He didn't seem phased by Rosebud.


Is this real life?
It was only a bit of horsing about. After having Cleo launch herself at him during one of her "comedy routines", a man dressed as a horse wearing a suit must've seemed like the most hilarious act in the world.

Meanwhile Cleo pretended to hate him by coming up with lame insults. Rhino sperm?!


Boobie inspector
There used to be a man wearing a horse head on Paul Mertons channel four show of many years ago, they should repeat that, it was classic Merton


Merton stands at a newpaper stand

A man approaches and says

"Do you have this months copy of pychic monthly"

Merton - "You tell me"


I want to smell dark matter
Paul Merton should do more stuff.


Is this real life?
I didn't even know he'd ever been on C4. Ever.

I'd love to see that series.


I want to smell dark matter
I think it was in the mid nineties!?


Is this real life?
Oh. I was about 12 in the mid nineties. My recollection of Paul Merton at that time is patchy at best. :(


Boobie inspector
There were two seasons of 6 episodes, mostly sketches, inspired lunacy


I want to smell dark matter
And whales.