I HATE British TV Seasons!


4-6 shows a season?! What the hell? Get off your lazy asses and make some TV, you tea drinkin', lift riding, brolley carrying fops!

6 episodes of Peep Show is not enough! :rwmad:


Fucked Bunny
i counter that by episode 11 of 24 in season 3 of the big bang theory i'd become a bit bored by what i at first thought was a very funny formula, ie. you can have too much of a good thing..


Yeah! What Dr. Dave said!


Fucked Bunny
i think they just keep making them until they run out of material or enthusiasm - is that what you meant ?


Fucked Bunny
peep show is mitchell and webb, mitchell's found doing comedy panel shows in the uk more lucrative than writing peep show so he's doing that instead,

webb was the stooge, he's doing embarassing charity gigs by himself now


Thanks for the updates there, Toe.

Too bad there's no more Peep Show. Damn those British and their short attention spans! :rwmad:


Is this real life?
There's just less money to go around on British TV. Not really sure why... I guess they don't make the same use of advertising that American networks do. They also tend to buy a lot of imported (usually US) shows, so that eats up a big part of their budgets.

What pisses me off is the huge swathes of money that are wasted on shitty shows (basically anything on ITV that doesn't have Harry Hill on it) instead of making more of the good stuff. The most I can really remember any UK seasons lasting is about 12 eps.


I want to smell dark matter
Well Doctor Who and Merlin are 13 episodes a series.

One big difference in comedies is that American comedies have a whole team of like 20 writers writing every episode by commitee...every episode of Peep Show, on the other hand, has been written by the same two people (NOT Mitchell, which is a common misconception! They're only credited with "additional material) so you can't expect them to write like 24 episodes a year themselves. If they brought in other writers the quality would probably suffer.


Is this real life?
I agree with the above post about Big Bang. I started off really enjoying it, but now you can see every joke coming a mile away. They just use the same five or six jokes over and over again.

Though, Community, which has loads of episodes as well is really, really good.


4-6 shows a season?! What the hell? Get off your lazy asses and make some TV, you tea drinkin', lift riding, brolley carrying fops!

6 episodes of Peep Show is not enough! :rwmad:

Yes it is. American TV shows are often too long. Dexter gets it about right with 12 episodes. A lot of shows that are 20-25 episodes in length contain a lot of padding unless they have a good arc. Ideas get stale, the actors & writers get fed up quicker.

A good series will leave you satisfied with what you've seen, and always wanting more. Peep Show has had multiple seasons, which is pretty good for a series on Channel 4. TV has limited funding here. Channel 4 is a commercial channel, but has been struggling financially for years. The Beeb is a monster, and could never commission a 20+ episode season, as it's public money they use, and would come at the detriment of its other programming - it's struggling anyway after wasting its money on numerous things other than programming.

Also, we don't have the same seasons as you. There's no breaks at 'fall', or whatever you guys call it - there's no need to have an unecessary break in a weekly formula. The clamour for ratings is far less cut-throat and competitive than US TV. Even the very worse shows are practically never cancelled in mid-season like some of yours.

I like having TV series run to 20+ episodes when it's done well, but there's no denying even the best series out there have padding, and lose their way at times.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Dexter and True Blood are cable shows, which is why they have shorter (and better, imo) seasons than other US TV shows.


Fucked Bunny
Even the very worse shows are practically never cancelled in mid-season like some of yours.

aint that the truth, we get some real comedy dogs on british tv, some of the output is embarrasing to watch, how many series is "2 pints of lager and a packet of crisps" up to now ? there will never be a US crossover with that one, it's truly awful..


Boobie inspector
Beats me, stopped watching it about 6 years ago.

The trouble with a lot of comedies nowadays is they forget to make them funny

Dr Dave

Dexter and True Blood are cable shows, which is why they have shorter (and better, imo) seasons than other US TV shows.

Those are both on Showtime right? Showtime is a premium cable channel, perhaps that has something to do with the amount of episodes ordered.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Yeah, plus they can get more into an hour long show since there aren't any commercials.


GFHH Moderator
Like 24 which is so bad that I moan I wished it was called 8, because it would be done already.


GFHH Moderator
Big Love was only 9 episodes in season 4.

Damn them!