I have been an asshole, I hope to be less of one


Boobie inspector
I've had my bouts with depression over the years, dead dad, dead brother, dead kids, will do that to a guy, but when I was starting to get depressed at work they actually sent me to a therapist, who I have been going to for the last six weeks.

Its only a six week course so its over now, and she did so well helping me come to terms with my grief (basically I came to the conclusion that was probably obvious to everyone else, that I was spending so long thinking about those I had lost that I was neglecting those I still had), that basically I had the last session to talk about other stuff that bothered me, and I mentioned how I had trouble letting go of arguments online.

She said basically the argument wasn't the problem, because from such an early age I had lost a parent, when most kids around me hadn't, there was always a feeling that other people didn't understand how I felt, and it seems that was the course of the never letting the subject drop in an argument, it wasn't about winning, it was always about trying to get other people to understand how I felt.

Which I guess was always an impossible task.

I know not everyone agrees with the idea of therapy, but every time I walked out of that building I felt a little lighter.

Anyway, I can't guarantee I wont say something in the future that is controversial or argumentative, but hopefully I'll never try and prove my point day after day until everyone else is sick of it, because you never know how many days you have left, and there are far better ways to fill your time, and mine.

Thanks for reading.


I want to smell dark matter
You haven't actually been an asshole on here for a long time anyway, but I'm happy you're feeling better!



Touching the monolith
Staff member
Glad you're feeling better about life! We all just want people to understand, and it is frustrating at times because sometimes it's impossible to convey the thoughts in your head with only words on a screen.


Boobie inspector
You haven't actually been an asshole on here for a long time anyway, but I'm happy you're feeling better!


Well I would have said it at Lonaf, but I already drove off everyone who needed apologising too.

And stick to the fucking format!


Is this real life?
I wouldn't have guessed anything was up as you've seemed really chilled out for a few years now, but it's good to hear that therapy is working for you.


Boobie inspector
I try and keep things mostly to myself, but the more you try and keep your emotions bottled up, the more they have a way of coming out when you don't want them to.

Plus as you get older, things that use to bother you, don't seem as important any more.


New Member
I try and keep things mostly to myself, but the more you try and keep your emotions bottled up, the more they have a way of coming out when you don't want them to.

Plus as you get older, things that use to bother you, don't seem as important any more.



Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
I've never seen you be an asshole here.

Glad to hear your counseling sessions helped. I lost my father when I was very young too, so young that I don't even remember him.


For what it is worth, you have done a lot of growing up since you became a parent. I have seen no shenanigans for several years, so I think you may end up helping the shrink out!


Be patient till the last.
you know I've never thought of you as anything but my friend and a talented artist. so happy you are feeling better within yourself. x

Dr Dave

Feeling better is good.

I must question your drinking of budwiser however. Is that a tier one (aka first choice) beverage for you?



Boobie inspector
First choice would be spirits, but in a pub a beer lasts longer.


Can I have Ops?
Yes, but Budweiser is watered down goats urine. Drink proper beer or I might have to call you an asshole.

(See how we turn quickly round here, fickle crowd!)


Can I have Ops?
Hell, if we ever meet I would be glad to drink Budweiser with you. You then have to drink a pint of Timothy Taylors Landlord with me afterwards.


New Member
Belhaven thistle ale is some good shit, one pub near me carries it, can't get it anywhere else.

Dr Dave

What's your beer of choice?

Even though you were talking to headvoid, I'm giving my answer too!

At the bar I mostly drink Pabst Blue Ribbon (PRB). It's in the cheap class of beer like Budwiser is.

I'll order Budwiser if they don't have PBR or something else like Hams or something.