I have been liked by many


New Member

Freckle Bucky

New Member
I have been adored for most of my life
this is something I had to get used to
at an early age
my fathers always told me
that I would be adored
and not to let it go to my head.
That was impossible since I had such humble up bringings.
I was not beautiful
I was not rich
I was not in with the popular crowd
I simply was.
And so it was that I was adored by many
and hated by others
that didn't get it
those that didn't get it
were bitter
and suffered much unhappiness
I never gloated over this
or dreamt that they should suffer
I only wished that they too
could find happiness

Hey there me little rogger muffin. I think we have sumfin in common. I have been licked by many too!