I miss my Blue Room Thread...


Zombie Hunter
I have reservations about blogging on a board with "Troll" in the name, but there's nothing for it. This is too private for Facebook but too good to sit in a Word file that will never be read.

Until March 2016, I worked for Company A. My main client was Company B, but I also did some side projects. For various reasons, Company B decided they'd be using Company R for the work I did. My boss gave me the go-ahead to interview with Company R while he tried to figure out a way to keep me. I had some serious reservations about Company B. I'd worked there long enough to see how fucked up they were and part of the reason for the change of contractors was that they were merging with another company. I had about a half dozen warning signs that things were going to suck.

But Company R offered me about a 30% raise and my boss fucked around and didn't get back to me by the time I needed to make a decision, so I jumped ship onto the Titanic. Six days later my boss said he could match whatever Company R was offering and I explained that I really wish he'd said that 6 days ago.

Well, it sucked at least as bad as I imagined it and I was looking for a way out. Problem was, Company A's offices are impossible to get to at rush hour from my house and my old boss had been lukewarm about me telecommuting--even though I fucking know he's got people who do it. One day a coworker from Company A asks me if I want to get together for lunch and wants to do it on a day when Old Boss can also come. Meanwhile, another coworker has been telling me he's swamped since I left--to the point that he's looking to leave. As it would happen, the guy I report to at Company B decided to have a staff meeting right when I was going to be at lunch with my old boss--this was about 45 minutes before lunch on the same day. Told him I had other plans and discreetly cleaned out my desk in case I got a job offer to come back to Company A.

Long story short, nothing came of the lunch, but eventually Company B got so fucking toxic I put in my resignation without anything lined up. I kind of wanted to move anyway and I just wasn't finding time to job hunt with my dog and my existing job and such things. Left a week ago.

So yesterday I got a voicemail from one of our clients when I was with Company A (that I haven't worked for since March), asking if I was his point of contact for X and mentioning his e-mail to me had bounced. While I was trying to find my old boss' contact info the voicemail timed out and I was like "Oh well. Not my problem.--'I'm not going to kill you. But I don't have to save you.'"

Well today I get a text--something along the lines of "Hey, I missed saying goodbye to you. Can you get me your password so one of the other people can use your account?" I'm assuming this was my toxic nominal boss at Company B, given his complete inability to plan anything or get anything administrative done in a timely manner. I mean, I don't know, because they didn't do any of the things non-psychopaths do like say "Hi, this is Matt...". Sorry dude. Should have thought of that a week ago. I'm not going to kill you, but I don't have to save you either. ...


Zombie Hunter
Yes, yes, that's very nice. See? I'm printing it out so I can put it on my refrigerator, next to the crayon drawing by my retarded 5 year old nephew. :)


fuck me RAW Henny!
So, you work at shit places, for shit people, doing a shit job, and make shit preparations regarding it, and have shit luck to boot.

That's shocking. No, not really.


RIP 1970~2018
One of the reasons TK became such a bummer was because most of the people who were left were sharp seasoned trolls pro's to one degree or another.

It was pretty much one big standoff. Everyone knew all the regular angles and no one stepped in their own shit because, for the most part, they were too smart.

It's nice that we don't have to worry about that anymore.

The Question

So, you work at shit places, for shit people, doing a shit job, and make shit preparations regarding it, and have shit luck to boot.

That's shocking. No, not really.

It surely doesn't compare to your unmatched courage.

The Question

One of the reasons TK became such a bummer was because most of the people who were left were sharp seasoned trolls pro's to one degree or another.

It was pretty much one big standoff. Everyone knew all the regular angles and no one stepped in their own shit because, for the most part, they were too smart.

It's nice that we don't have to worry about that anymore.

I step in my own shit on purpose. How else would I track it across the carpets?


fuck me RAW Henny!


RIP 1970~2018
Don't think for one second that because you liked a few of my posts I'm going to jump on your stupid-ass 'Castle does meth' bullshit shtick.

When I was talking about not having to worry about sharp smart trolls anymore I was including you with all the other WF fucktards infesting the place.

Go ahead and prove you're not stupid.

Or at least smarter than what's his name up there.

Invest or go fuck yourself, newbie.


Zombie Hunter
I guess it runs in the family.
I just made that bit up so you wouldn't feel so bad about being as bright as a retarded 5 year old.


Zombie Hunter
Poor markb. Now that the Gang of Four have turned Wordforge into a wasteland, he's got to come over here to read interesting posts.

The Question

When he shits himself from a meth and vape overload, he skids across them for an emergency wipe.


The Question

You have carpets?

Rolls upon rolls of them stacked in a corner. Well, Persian rugs. Gotta have something around to stash all the genies in.


Zombie Hunter
I'm sorry, but at least I tried to make you feel better about being as bright as a retarded 5 year old. :)


RIP 1970~2018
And I rolled it back over on top of you without even trying because you're too fucking stupid.

Then you tried to back-pedal your way out by explaining your shitty 'tactic' like some fucktard, first-year noob.

So yeah, fail.

Way to go, Mr. 1700-posts-in-ten-years Troll King.

Why, you're practically as smart as Markb, Lol