I started a new job, after 3 days I went back to my old job, NOW I have a 3rd job....

....option. please try to follow along.;)

Yeah, I quit my old job for a new one that I knew I hated after the very first day!! So I asked my previous employer if I could come back...of course they said "YES" cause I was the best fuckin' employee these bitches ever had!! Ok, so I start back at my old job & then this other agency calls me for an interview...I go to the interview & was told that I was "very impressive". So the guy interviewing tells me "I am going to do something I never do, i am going to give you my personal cell# & email address". Ok, so this job is for Personal Assistance work duties, something I already do on a part time basis, but this would elevate me to full time status and is over $2 more per hour than I already make on my regular job.

I luv it when life makes me a long tall cool glass of lemonade!;)
I am sure my current boss will desire to kill me if I leave the company again, I am (in his own words) the ONLY reliable employee he has had in the past 2 years. So basically, if I get up every morning & show up for work I am considered reliable...yeah, he had some real loser fucks previously working for him, they actually slept on the job, were volatile towards clients, called in sick every week, etc. I sorta love my boss, although he is the most disorganized idiot I have ever encountered! Ok, also my boss told me I have the quality he seeks most...COMMON SENSE!;) Go figure.


Can I have Ops?
I would employ you, but you would have to shock me with a GAY SEX story every morning. I sense you might run out eventually, then I would fire you.