ignore: to refuse to take notice of, to reject.

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling

ignoring someone is not an act of love. regardless, ignoring someone is about being the better person. when you ignore someone that does NOT mean you taunt them, make mean faces, or talk behind their backs. what's rude is pretending to like the person and then bad-mouthing them.

part of the reason the person doing the ignoring might be irritated is because they're not getting what they want, and don't see why they should compromise.

ignoring someone makes you weak and pathetic.

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
yeah right!,,,, 71 views

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
deal with rejection.

know that rejection is pain.
allow yourself time to process your hurt feelings.
heal your bruised ego by listing what makes you great.
examine your own role in why you got rejected.
don't beat yourself up about the role you played in your rejection.

if you've been repudiated and spurned. seek help or go see the doctor.


blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
How being ignored makes you feel? and Is ignoring the best revenge?



blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
too ignore a member should be made by a post/message.

unless the contract of employment at 'troll kingdom' specifically states that an ignore must be in writing, or verbal in a private message.


blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
neglect, disregard, overlook, slight, forget mean to pass over without giving due attention. neglect implies giving insufficient attention to something that merits one's attention.

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
we all know that one person who fake ignore their way on a message board. while you might secretly hope that you are wrong about someone like that, it’s not hard to tell when someone is being fake and read your threads as a guest.

but what are the consequences of such a relationship on the internet?

anyone who says they never get mad or angry at anything or anyone is full of it. of course, everyone gets mad at something.

come on now, everyone gets mad at something!

but when fake peoples are deep undercover in their personas they’ve worked so hard to craft, it’s all part of the plan to make people think they are something they are not.

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
you can not ignore 'blackfoot NAP' as a guest. so keep lurking/reading my threads before you login.

time stamps do not lie. check out "the tk media center". ten/10 bullshit/spam threads have shown up there.
