In A Quandary...


It seems no matter what I do, I rub Number_6 the wrong way. It wouldn't be so odd if we started out that way, but we didn't.

Maybe I should just give it up.

Suggestions, TKers?


I think sometimes Number_6 rubs himself the wrong way. Don't take it personally. :lol:


beer, I want beer
Sometimes real life calls. Right now, it's calling insistently.

I may not be around much until next week.


beer, I want beer
WordInterrupted said:
I agree. He's just crotchety and ill-tempered by nature.

That's because I spend too much time dealing with effete idiots like you.


beer, I want beer
WordInterrupted said:
Oh go on! I'm a hardcore social science desperado. That's why I kick your pansy English Prof ass all across the board!

Ah, yes. Social "science." Not smart enough for real science, then?

Dark Link

Morituri te salutant
first off Wordy, fix your av.

Secondly, every time you start something with N6, or anyone for that matter, you usually get you ass handed to you all over the board. You then proceed to Bitch, complain and whine that you did NOT in fact get owned to the Nth degree.



New Member
WordInterrupted said:
Aren't you going to defend the humanities? Or do I have to do it for you?

why defend it? the humanities are for people who can't handle science and the reality of the world around us.


beer, I want beer
WordInterrupted said:
Aren't you going to defend the humanities? Or do I have to do it for you?

Against the scathing and accurate critiques of our methodological assumptions by those in the hard sciences? Nope.

The humanities and the social sciences have spun their dogma unquestioned for long enough. We either need to clean house and start dealing with the realities of human beings and their social interaction, sans the political program, or we need to leave the university and form a cult or something, since our current thinking and methods more closely resemble the latter type of organization than departments within the former.


Number_6 said:
Against the scathing and accurate critiques of our methodological assumptions by those in the hard sciences? Nope.

The humanities and the social sciences have spun their dogma unquestioned for long enough. We either need to clean house and start dealing with the realities of human beings and their social interaction, sans the political program, or we need to leave the university and form a cult or something, since our current thinking and methods more closely resemble the latter type of organization than departments within the former.
I'll be honest...I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. What do you mean by "dealing with the realities of human beings...sans the political program"? What realities? How do you propose they be dealt with?


Just testing the new button...

Oh, I see. It's an instant quick reply. Cool! :D


Troll Kingdom Ambassador
Against the scathing and accurate critiques of our methodological assumptions by those in the hard sciences? Nope.

The humanities and the social sciences have spun their dogma unquestioned for long enough. We either need to clean house and start dealing with the realities of human beings and their social interaction, sans the political program, or we need to leave the university and form a cult or something, since our current thinking and methods more closely resemble the latter type of organization than departments within the former.

Oh, right... your quest to discover the one true ethical system through the biological sciences. This attitude towards science makes no sense. How does one do ethics with biology? Give me an example.


beer, I want beer
Here's something for both of you:

Look around. See if you can put aside your prejudices for a bit and open your mind to what science has to say about the shortcomings of current practices in the humanities and the social sciences, including "Friday's" much-beloved multiculturalism and Wordin's inability to understand the biological and evolutionary origins of human ethics.

Of course, what I expect is that you'll both come back into this thread ranting about how evil this site is, and how terribly misguided its contributors are, since they dare to blaspheme your sacred religion and your prophets.


Troll Kingdom Ambassador
Wordin's inability to understand the biological and evolutionary origins of human ethics.

I accept that human beings are the kind of creatures who have ethical committments because of their biological makeup. I don't accept that we can define the content of normative ethics through study of biology. It's fallacious to confuse what is with what ought to be.


Now, 6, you should know by now that I am not adverse to exploring new topics or points of view. Milosz and Skvorecky not withstanding...

I'll look the site over.