Instant Messaging: security

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
So if you're IM'ing someone who seems reasonably intelligent and suddenly they start trying in a ham-fisted way to troll you, and your verbal monkey-steals-the-peach reaction well and truly pisses them off, which IM is the one they'd be least likely to be able to trace you and fuck with you IRL? I've heard Microsoft's isn't too secure...Skype? Yahoo?

(FTR, ^=hypothetical situation. The last time I did any IM'ing at all was before I joined this place, when I was still on AOL.)


Shifty sumbitch
At the very least, it's an email account that will be potentially bombed. Not a problem in most cases (throwaway accounts and all), but for those dumb enough to tie their mains to their IMs then go IM trolling...