
Touching the monolith
Staff member
I read the plot on Wikipedia, apparently it's another story within a story like Wizard and Glass.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
That's the strange thing - he finished it years ago, at least the original story. Next thing I hear, a new installment is ready to be published, but it doesn't really fit into the original fiction.
*Shrugs* I guess he couldn't completely let go of the story, after all.

And here I'm all gushy and fanboy over 1963. I think youre right about Dark Tower. It was the only thing of his I struggled with.

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
I couldn't get into the Dark Tower series at all and he has a baseball essay out that I've never read. Other than that, I've usually read his stuff as soon as it was out until I read that disaster "Under the Dome" or whateverthefuck it was called. I'm a little leery now.


moral imperfection
@ jack - You did? I love it, it is one of my most cherished tales ever, even if I acknowledge some lengths and weaknesses. It's his masterpiece storytelling-wise, imo (and his, iirc). That's why I hesitate to read a new installment. It's like when I first watched Matrix and was blown away, and then Matrix 2 and 3 completely ruined it for me... I'd hate if that were to happen with DT.

Cassie - yeah, that's kind of what I heard. If it features the ka-tet, though, I don't want to read it.

Filthy - heh, I know a few people who the DT did nothing for. I guess it depends on how much you're hooked on his unique style of horror, since DT is most definitely OOC


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I love the Dark Tower series. The only one I didn't care for much was Wizard and Glass. I didn't even mind how it all ended. There was a lot of junk in the last couple books that could have been left out completely, though. I think he got a little carried away or lost his way WHATEVER.

The last King book I read was Cell. It was really good. Made me glad I don't have a cellphone!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Im REALLY enjoying 1963. Savoring it.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I might have to get that.

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
Didn't the gunslinger from that series make a guest appearance in another book of his? I'm thinking it was in one that he collaborated with Peter Straub on.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Been a long time since I read any King. Followed him all thru high school and college and early adult life. Bought everything he did the way they buy harry potter books today.

Favorite short story? The Mist

Favorite novels? The Stand, Shining and Cujo. Cujo REALLY pissed me the fuck off. I love all of it.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Didn't the gunslinger from that series make a guest appearance in another book of his? I'm thinking it was in one that he collaborated with Peter Straub on.

That was sick. Straub did more coke on that project than King did.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I hope you do give the DT another shot. If you read The Gunslinger and give Roland Clint Eastwood's face, and imagine a Fist Full of Dollars (or any of those spaghetti westerns) maybe you'll find yourself transported. Every time I read them, I want to go around saying ka is a wheel, and thankee sai. lol

The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
Had to find it, this shit bothers me when I can't remember something...

The Talisman and Black House are explicitly connected to The Dark Tower Series. The books contain references to different levels of the Dark Tower, Breakers, and to servants of the Crimson King.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Elements of the Dark Tower series are in lots of his books. When you read the DT you will visit some of those worlds. The Low Men were in Hearts in Atlantis, and Desperation. Father Callahan from Salem's Lot, is in a couple of the DT books. I know I have a book somewhere that lists all the crossovers.


Every time I see these Orkin commercials I think of the low men.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


I figured why not reply with something totally irrelevant as this already happened here in this thread.