ITT: Conchaga asks for tv show (and film) suggestions


Boobie inspector
Not sure how well "Pheonix Nights" would travel, but you could give that a go, and "Max and Paddy"

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Season 2 of Alphas should be starting any time now on SyFy; season 1 was okay.

I just started really getting into Weeds last year (it's in season 8 at the moment). I've heard it goes a little off the rails sometimes but it's addictive.

Nurse Jackie was great the first season, okay the 2nd, and great again the 3rd.

I don't know much about the original UK Shameless, but I lurv the US version.

I cry whenever Mad Men finishes a season. I need it like the air. AMC shows a marathon of older episodes every Sunday morning, I always watch them before going to bed lol.

Aaron Sorkin really got it right with The West Wing, but he's been striking out ever since. I haven't been getting into The Newsroom, it's too whitebread. But Sorkin deserved the Oscar for The Social Network -- I don't think anyone else in Hollywood could have made that story palatable. (Casting Jesse Eisenberg helped a lot too)

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I loved Dead Like Me (the first season anyway...)

Bryan Fuller is talking about making a Broadway musical out of Pushing Daisies, with the same cast.


I want to smell dark matter


Let's fuck some shit up
Been watching Night Court and X-Files. Going back to the 80's/90's era is fun.

Keep watching the first season of Twin Peaks over and over again.


New Member
The young ones, every stoopid episode boxset, also Bottom.

If you like british comedy thats about the best it gets.

Top Gear (UK version) is awesome if you like looking at guys do dumb stuff with expensive cars.