Johnny Nose Halloween Special


I want to smell dark matter
She smiled at the children as they left. She was nearly out of sweets now. She hope that there wouldn't be many more trick or treaters tonight. She started to shut the door...and was shocked to see another child standing there. Except this one was tall. Very tall. As tall as an adult. And he was dressed a Mumm-Ra from Thundercats.

"TRICK OR TREAT, SWEETCHEEKS," shouted Mumm-Ra. She stepped back a bit.

"What age are you?" she asked.

"I'm ten, of course," said Mumm-Ra. "FUCKING TEN."

"You don't look it..."

"Look, just invite me in so I can show you the special TREAT I have for you...if you know what I mean, babes!"

"My husband is upstairs you fucking pervert," she said.

"Yeah right, like you're married, come on, you're kind of fat!" said Mumm-Ra. She wasn't really that fat, he thought, but she wasn't HOLLYWOOD thin either. "You're not HOLLWOOD THIN," he added, proud of himself.

"BARRY, GET DOWN HERE," shouted the woman.

"Oh come on, no one REALLY has a husband named Barry!" said Mumm-Ra. But then he saw a man coming down the stairs. "Oh," said Mumm-Ra, who you have probably figured out by now was Johnny Nose. "Shit."

Johnny turned and ran as Barry bolted out the door after him. Something unexpected would be needed to escape, Johnny thought. He ran out in front of a car. That should do it. He heard the car screeching to a halt and kept running without looking back. He saw a bunch of children standing around near a house and ran over to them.

"Hi guys, sorry I'm late!" said Johnny.

"What? Who are you?" asked one of them.

"Oh come on, it's ME!" said Johnny. "I know my Mumm-Ra costume is BRILLIANT as usual but surely you recognise me!"

"Are you mental?" asked another.

"Come on, remember that year I went as Mumm-Ra and we all had fun? 1991? Sure, all the other kids had movedon to dressing as Ninja Turtles, but I was still into Thundercats! SNARF SNARF SNARF!"

"He's mental, so he is!" said a random child. "I'll call my dad..."

"No, don't! I have enough problems with Barry. I wasn't going to hurt his fat wife, not at all! I was just going to expose myself to her, shout 'LOOK AT MY DICK, ISN'T IT SCAR' then run away! What harm would that have done?"

"You're a fucking spacko!" said one of the kids, kicking Johnny in the shins.

"Yeah, I get that a lot," said Johnny, sadly. "GOT TO FLY. NOT LITERALLY." He ran away again. He didn't know where he was going. He ran down a path. He saw a girl dressed as a cat. A sexy cat. She was older, well, probably still in her teens, but she could definitely have bene eighteen, Johnny thought. She would have heard sexual comments before. And boy, was he ever going to make some! He ran out in front of her. She didn't look surpirsed. In fact...she looke drunk. Really drunk.

"Drunk, eh?" he asked. "Going to the party?" He could hear music from a nearby house so it was a pretty easy deduction.

"Yeah, I started early," she laughed. She was swaing about.

"You're quite FUCKING HOT, you know," said Johnny, sure now that she was at least nineteen.

"Who are you?" she asked, managing to look a bit worried through the drunkeness.

"Oh, I'm Lisa's friend," he said.


"Susan's friend, that's right," said Johnny.

"Oh, Susan," she said. "She's a slut, haha."

"Yeah, I fingered her," said Johnny. "Look, I'm here to warn you...there's a rapist on the loose. His name's Barry. WATCH OUT FOR HIM."

"What?" asked the girl, confused. But Johnny was running away again, as he could hear footsteps coming down the path. It was Barry, he saw. The drunk girl got in his way. Johnny hoped he'd say his name and she'd accuse him of rap and he could escape. No such luck. Barry stepped around her. Johnny knew he couldn't get away. What could he do?

Another car. He was at the main road now. There was a car coming. He had an escape. All he had to do was...

Everythng went black.


Touching the monolith
Staff member


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I think I saw Barry last night.


I want to smell dark matter
I think there was a story once where he woke up in hospital after being hit by a car and tried to molest his sexy cousin, so this could be a prequel to that.

Really though it shows the tragic downward spiral that will eventually claim Johnny's life. He used to be able to talk himself out of the situtations he got into, or at least just walk away leaving the normal people mildly confused. Then he had to start running away because he'd put himself in physical danger. Now he literally has to throw himself in front of cars to escape. How much longer can he go on...


I want to smell dark matter

FBI parte due

Folces Weard