King Craig / Lord Raffles


New Member
i would just like to take this time to let raffles no that i think me and him are a great team that can work together and i have just made my last ever post about him , i had to get rid of any personal feeling that i had left so we can work together i look forward to working with you raffles im eaven considering calling you a friend we have alot in common same interests as im sure you no after our chat on msn about what we disgused we seem to like the same things i hope you understand it was nesecery for me to get any bad feeling out of the way so i can work with you in the futter reggards king craig ps hope your feeling better dude

Lord Raffles

New Member


New Member
i think raffles has a thing for the king an open post requesting my attention , OH DEAR too bad your on block for a period of 24 hours till you can learn to behave mr RAFFLES