Knight and Day movie review


Can I have Ops?
A movie involving Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz on a motorbike shooting stuff.

Tom Cruise really stretches himself in this seminal movie which takes a real cynical look at our obsession with vapid, pointless movies involving fast chases and guns. Tom plays a man called Tom Shaftshoot who is on the run from an Al Queda funded drug running robot manufacturer who has metal feet. Only the secretive computer expert Jonjo Jumbleaya can help him, but first Tom Shaftshoot has to find him in the seedy world of Cuban bars. Jonjo is played by Griff Rhys Jones who really shows off his talents as this alcoholic genius with a liking for Jazz music.

Cameron Diaz, yet again is proving herself a serious actress by only taking roles that are multi dimensional. Cameron plays Anna Mananalili who has dragged herself up from her childhood as a travelling juggler who made her money going round trailer parks in the deep South. (watch out for the hilarious "Juggle this Jonjo" scene with a loaded Uzi)

I won't spoil the story, but the evil robot manufacturer certainly gets a sticky end and I wonder how they got all that honey into the Russian submarine!

Here is an image which shows you the serious and dark side to the film.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Based on your glowing review, I will get down to the nearest movie theater AS FAST AS i POSSIBLY CAN.


I want to smell dark matter
Sounds better than love.