laptop touchpads suck.


beer, I want beer
I have come to this conclusion. They are placed dead center in the keyboard where trying to use them regularly invites instant wrist strain. They're either over or undersensitive, and each different computer has a different method for doubleclick, rightclick, and scroll.

Stoopid laptop. You suck. But you work better than my old frankenstein.

So I forgive you for sucking, stoopid laptop.


beer, I want beer
Translation: I, Donovan, am both too fucking stupid and lazy to bother to properly learn how to operate this fucking touchpad. I, Donovan, am a complete RETARD.


Holy Roman Emperor
Translation: I, SaintLucifer, am a fucking stupid and lazy inbred with delusions of grandeur, who likes to fondle Mike Wong's dick. I, SaintLucifer, am a complete RETARD.

Well, I see we agree on something.


Can I have Ops?
WHy don't you just buy a tiny travel mouse? I think we even gave some away recently with a promo for Yongalogaloogoa shampoo or some other crap product I am pushing at the moment.