Like Rats Deserting a Ship That's Not Even Sinking...

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The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
You want to go?
Fucking go.
Fuck off to your playgrounds,
To your tea rooms and your mine fields
Go, blaming me for your own weak-kneed cowardice
Go, you blind ingrates go
But remember:
I did this for you

I did this for you, Love Child
I did this for you, Gonad
I did this for you, Badlands

I fought
for the freedom
of us all

And how am I rewarded?
Where I should be given medals, I'm spit upon
Where I should be given parades, I'm trampled
Instead of a hero, I'm now your Mussolini

So go, break my heart
and flee like children
into the night

We will meet again,
in a place where there
is no darkness

I am with you in Rockland

But fucking go


lol lol don't you see, Dork Lord, you actually did it for yourself. And that is okay. I don't resent you or dislike you as a poster one bit, and you really put a lot of effort into TK. So it is ultimately okay that you are remaking The Badlands in your own image. I won't speak for the others, but war and turmoil and recognition are not what I want in The Badlands. I liked the name-recognition of TK but I posted in The Badlands because it wasn't recognized. It was sort of like The Day Care but with a post count.

You have been successful in your attempt to get The Badlands recognized, but were you successful in meeting your goals? What were/are your goals when it comes to TK, anyways?

Most generous acts are still selfish in nature. If it gives you pleasure to provide a haven for the tenants of The Badlands, then you are still acting in your own interests, and that is okay.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
lol lol don't you see, Dork Lord, you actually did it for yourself. And that is okay. I don't resent you or dislike you as a poster one bit, and you really put a lot of effort into TK. So it is ultimately okay that you are remaking The Badlands in your own image. I won't speak for the others, but war and turmoil and recognition are not what I want in The Badlands. I liked the name-recognition of TK but I posted in The Badlands because it wasn't recognized. It was sort of like The Day Care but with a post count.

I'm not trying to remake the Badlands in my own image, at least that's not my intent. I remember the days when it was mostly just you, LC, Kerb Crawler and me with no small amount of nostalgia and fondness.

There's more members now, and I for one am glad to see The Badlands growing.

Remember also, that this strive for reconiztion came as a direct result of the great purge. Had it not been for that, I doubt i would have taken the course that I did.

You have been successful in your attempt to get The Badlands recognized, but were you successful in meeting your goals? What were/are your goals when it comes to TK, anyways?

If you and/or LC end up leaving The Badlands, then I've failed all my goals. Beyond that, my main goals in TK are the same as in any envirorment, have fun, and get people's attention.

Most generous acts are still selfish in nature. If it gives you pleasure to provide a haven for the tenants of The Badlands, then you are still acting in your own interests, and that is okay.

The last time you said something like this, I think I called you a cynic. Now I'm willing to admit that you're most likely right. There's an ulterior motive for everything.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
I rarely complain about spelling mistakes (since mine is far from perfect) but GOOD GOD MAN have a little pride.


I want to smell dark matter
DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drama:
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