Lisa's back

Guess Whos Back Crypto GIF by DONUTs

Back again! With 86% more excellence and her old rememberies!


I want to smell dark matter
Susie used to be able to post on this board. JUST SAYING.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
The arrival of Lisa is NIGH, NIGH I tell you


I want to smell dark matter
Lisa uploaded her brain to the internet after losing the TrekBBS admin gig. She's watching you wherever you browse.

Teelie showed up in my anniversary thread on TrekBBS lately by the way, wonder if he remembers that I used to troll him back in the day. It was all in good fun!


I want to smell dark matter
I STILL WANT TO KNOW what that line originally meant as the plan was to do season 3 after 2 and not 25 years later.