LOL. I drink a shit load of alchohol every day.


Staff member


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
I drink so very, very rarely. I don't crave it, don't need it, don't like the taste of most of it but I swear to God, since the day I found out I was pregnant I've wanted little more than a frosty, sweet, strawberry margarita served in a chilled mug with a yummy sugar rim.

Good thing I want to make sure my son is healthy more huh?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
It looks good on you. It doesn't on some people, like Andy Dick and Amy Winehouse. But you give off that Rat Pack Ba-da-bing cool to the endeavour.

I'm a cool drunk when I'm not drinking every day. Right now I drink about once a week. Always leave 'em wanting more...


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I actually haven't drank in a week...

I'll make up for it here on a nice bender.


I want to smell dark matter
Homer: Okay, no deer for a month.
Marge: Did you say "beer" or "deer"?


Is this real life?
I could so easily become an alcoholic...

The (amusingly error prone) Ouzo article says it tastes a bit like Sambuca... I don't normally like anything aniseedish, but that's not bad. Still, I do prefer something with a bit more kick to it. Screw getting drunk on shit that tastes like Ribenna, gimme a bottle of scotch or vodka.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Vodka is my drink of choice. Then tequilla. Then rum. Then pixie sticks, buttery nipples, lemon drops, jagerbombs, hot damns, blowjobs, sex with an alligator, ginger snaps....


Be patient till the last.
I like Ouzo, Sambuca, Pernod - the secret is, if you like black licorice, yer good to go. Lots of peeps don't; it definately seems to be an aquired taste.
OTOH, If you like scotch, vodka, gin, rye, any hard liquors other than rum, yer stash is safe with me. I'd rather drink water.


Vanilla flavored vodka and Sunny Delight. Tastes exactly like a creamsicle, and my drink of choice.

Sadly, due to ill health, no more drinking for me.

You guys drink, and I'll live vicariously thru you! Woot!


Retired Account
i love ouzo and sambucas, i love sambuccas just no tequila.


Retired Account
they just simply get you to where you gotta go is all i will say.


Retired Account
gNt is good.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Stoli on my right, Jameson on my left, maybe some gin within arm's reach once in a while and I'm a happy pappy.