Luci 2.0 is actually...


It is clear that BLOODLESS_SERENITY, aka LILAC, has been using the SAINTLUCIFER account.

Finally, she has been forced to admit this truth, I see.


Lilac isn't a girl.

Rather stupid, aren't you? Unable to accept the truth after it's been proven beyond a doubt, yes?

I proved at that shithole TROLL VALHALLA that LILAC is indeed that bitch BLOODLESS_SERENITY. Now go along and play with your little delusions.


U mad 'bro?
There's two of them?
Then it it definitely who I think it is.


Shifty sumbitch
It is clear that BLOODLESS_SERENITY, aka LILAC, has been using the SAINTLUCIFER account.

Finally, she has been forced to admit this truth, I see.

Shut up, Lila-- Oh, it's Luci.


Let's fuck some shit up
Rather stupid, aren't you? Unable to accept the truth after it's been proven beyond a doubt, yes?

I proved at that shithole TROLL VALHALLA that LILAC is indeed that bitch BLOODLESS_SERENITY. Now go along and play with your little delusions.

We miss you here, Luci. Come back.

This impostor is like watching a bad remake of Knight Rider where Kit is actually a truck.

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
We miss you here, Luci. Come back.

This impostor is like watching a bad remake of Knight Rider where Kit is actually a truck.
It sounds more like Pops Racer suffered a Phineas Gage-type brain injury and now displays a cocktail of disorders, from Aspergers to Tourettes to plain ol' dementia.

It's not a bad effort, frankly. He actually manages to be irritating.


beer, I want beer
'Turdkingdom'? Now, there's a term I have NEVER used, and never would. A 5 year old would have come up with such a ridiculous term. This MorningPrincess has failure written all over her face.

I do find it amusing that I have my own stalker in the form of this MorningPrincess. Seems I so severely PWNed someone that her anger forced her to emulate me in the hope that my great self may gain some more enemies. Sweetie, I have more enemies than you could possibly imagines, especially in the form of Jews (Sarek being one example), cupcakeERS (Blackfoot), CHINKS (Bickendan) and fags (Cumchugger).

I am well-aware of the awe all of you hold for me. Yes, I am most certainly an amazing individual, such that you all mention me again... and again... and yet again. Many of you have reached the point of utter jealousy. This is quite understandable, but sad. Just because you all could never reach my level of superiority. No doubt many of the males here, upon seeing me, suddenly have an urge to curl up in their momma's arms, and the females, well the females, reach down in between their legs, and rub their snatches whilst thinking about me and moaning, to the point they cry out 'my god!'

Please feel free to continue your denials that I am the one true SaintLucifer. What you all truly feel is utterly irrelevant, as are you all utterly irrelevant. The fact that I have clearly stated many times in here that I don't do duals seems to have been forgotten, but it IS quite cute to see that once again, I PWN an entire site.

May the worship of I continue!


Resident Smartarse
'Turdkingdom'? Now, there's a term I have NEVER used, and never would. A 5 year old would have come up with such a ridiculous term. This MorningPrincess has failure written all over her face.

I do find it amusing that I have my own stalker in the form of this MorningPrincess. Seems I so severely PWNed someone that her anger forced her to emulate me in the hope that my great self may gain some more enemies. Sweetie, I have more enemies than you could possibly imagines, especially in the form of Jews (Sarek being one example), cupcakeERS (Blackfoot), CHINKS (Bickendan) and fags (Cumchugger).

I am well-aware of the awe all of you hold for me. Yes, I am most certainly an amazing individual, such that you all mention me again... and again... and yet again. Many of you have reached the point of utter jealousy. This is quite understandable, but sad. Just because you all could never reach my level of superiority. No doubt many of the males here, upon seeing me, suddenly have an urge to curl up in their momma's arms, and the females, well the females, reach down in between their legs, and rub their snatches whilst thinking about me and moaning, to the point they cry out 'my god!'

Please feel free to continue your denials that I am the one true SaintLucifer. What you all truly feel is utterly irrelevant, as are you all utterly irrelevant. The fact that I have clearly stated many times in here that I don't do duals seems to have been forgotten, but it IS quite cute to see that once again, I PWN an entire site.

May the worship of I continue!

Shut up, Lilac.