Mad Men 5x11 - The Other Woman

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Oh my God, this is a disturbingly brilliant show.

Man, there is some kind of Abyss awaiting so many characters on this show. The season finale should be a bloodbath. (And only 2 more eps left, sad)

Don & Joan's scenes very well may have topped last week's tour de force. The way they played their scene in her apartment, then intercut her humiliating tryst with Herb with Don's gripping pitch, and then replaying the same scene in her apartment so that we discover that Don was actually too late to stop her...I got chills.

But then, we get to see the ramifications of Joan's deal through Peggy's eyes. And it all suddenly seems ten times as sordid and wrong as it already did.

Peggy, what have you done? But then, the way Joan made partner should make any career-oriented woman in such a company want to leave that place as a lost cause. Which is quickly what SCDP is becoming. (Granted Peggy didn't know the details yet, but it was clear enough to her that such a move on their part shows where their priorities are)

The Don and Megan dance: Whatever was the cause of one week's fight has become part of their witty banter the next week (ex: Dan sideways-asking her for ideas about Jaguar in the bedroom rather than having an argument). They seem very resilient, once they've both blown up at each other. But then the new week's problem sends them to their corners yet again. Which problem will be the one they can't end up turning into party talk? Her going away for 3 months might just be the thing to turn New Don back into full-blown Old Don. Oh well, not this time.

Can Pete just die, like, now? Since Lane seems destined to sit on a hand grenade soon, can he just take Pete out with him? That would be a nice artistic way to end the season...but the list of characters who might be headed out a window soon is getting too long to ponder.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts


The overwhelming reaction? People pissed at them for the spoiler before the west coast saw the episode, lol.

Coming this week: Interweb Jaguar boycottz!


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I'm so pissed that I haven't kept up with it this season because your reviews of the episodes make them sound awesome. But for some reason when I start watching one here lately, I get extremely bored. Or maybe it's just embarrassing to watch the self-destruction of so many characters.

Does that make sense?


Registered User
Next time on Mad Men: Winter is coming.

I always enjoy when the Peggy and Joan dynamic is at the fore on an episode, so I particularly appreciated this one, even if it was a bit on the nose (on the nose for Mad Men, I guess. Most other TV shows wouldn't even go there, I don't think). I suppose they've now milked all they can out of that: Joan has now literally slept her way to the top (you know, for the denser viewers out there who didn't get it before), and Peggy has left the company and, by extension, the old boys' network.


I want to smell dark matter
I'm so pissed that I haven't kept up with it this season because your reviews of the episodes make them sound awesome. But for some reason when I start watching one here lately, I get extremely bored. Or maybe it's just embarrassing to watch the self-destruction of so many characters.

Does that make sense?

Most of the characters are self-destructing right now.

I remember at the start of the season thinking Pete wasn't such a bad guy anymore. Now he's literally Satan.

It was a very good episode, but it left me angry at most of the characters. But it was supposed to.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop

omg i just wrote the same exact fucking thing I wrote in my earlier post.



Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Peggy is my favorite, so it's nice to hear she walked out on all their asses. Now she needs to start her own company and smother them with her smarts.


I want to smell dark matter
Well Peggy isn't exactly very nice either, she ignored her pact with Ken.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
And she left to work for an even bigger asshole with a grudge against SCDP.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Well damn. I though she'd go woman libber and open her own agency.