Menty, LoP! I chipped in for bird!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
So there I am, Sunday morning, it's cold but sunny, a great day for golf. The course was empty, as it had rained cats & dogs all day Saturday.

I'm on the 12th tee, and my round is not going great. I've made a couple of sixes, a four on the par-3 10th, and I took a penalty shot on the 8th because my ball disappeared into a waste area as I was overagressive with my drive.

I hit my first shot and it's striped-straight down the fairway an looong. I have maybe 160 to the pin, and, like many amateurs, I don't take enough club, and my shot is short of the green by like 30 feet.

I grab my lob wedge, and I really line up the shot. I hit the shot a little thin and I'm thinking, "Oh crap, here comes another 5". The ball is a slow line-drive, it hits the green and starts rolling. It's getting close to the hole, and I think, "Wow, I may be able to salvage an ugly par!"

But the ball roooolls...and doink! it disappears into the bottom of the cup! I go from hoping for par to chipping in for birdie from 30-feet!

I went on to shoot 2 OVER PAR for the rest of the course!

You know, it's shots like that chip-in that keep me coming back round after round, even when I'm struggling! What a game!

Lover of Purple

Mustang Man
AWESOME!!! Great play on that one, talk about pulling it out on one. :)

That IS the kind of play that keeps we golphers going back. Great job.



Staff member
Nice Birdie. You make me so envious, I just don't get to play that often and it pisses me off. I have been making some headway into getting a few holes made on Syros, problem is everyone owns little strips of land so trying to get permission is a nightmare. But I could make a killing!