blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling

Major League Baseball

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
MLB Standings 2022 - League

League Leaders
American League
New York Yankees (18 - 7) GB-2
National League
Milwaukee (18 - 8) - New York Mets (19 - 9) GB-0.5

MLB Standings 2022 - Division

Division Leaders
American League
EAST: New York Yankees (18 - 7) GB-2.5
CENTRAL: Minnesota (15 - 11) GB-2.5
WEST: Los Angeles Angels (17 - 10) GB-1.5

National League
EAST: New York Mets (19 - 9) GB-5.5
CENTRAL: Milwaukee (18 - 8) GB-2.5
WEST: Los Angeles Dodgers (16 - 7) GB-0.5

GB = Games Back

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
MLB Power Rankings Week 6: Which top AL squad made its top-3 debut
A close race for the most dominant team in baseball has begun to emerge six weeks into the 2022 MLB season. Who prevailed in the battle of the coasts this week

No.1: New York Yankees (28 - 9)
No.2: Los Angeles Dodgers (25 - 12)
No.3: Houston (24 - 14)
No.4: New York Mets (25 - 14)
No.5: Milwaukee (24 - 14)

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
MLB Standings 2022 - League

League Leaders
American League
New York Yankees (28 - 10) GB-3.5
National League
Los Angeles Dodgers (25 - 12) GB-0.5

MLB Standings 2022 - Division

Division Leaders
American League
EAST: New York Yankees (28 - 10) GB-5
CENTRAL: Minnesota (22 - 16) GB-3
WEST: Houston (25 - 14) GB-1.5

National League
EAST: New York Mets (26 - 14) GB-7
CENTRAL: Milwaukee (24 - 14) GB-4
WEST: Los Angeles Dodgers (25 - 12) GB-1.5

GB = Games Back

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
MLB Standings 2022 - League

League Leaders
American League
New York Yankees (33 - 15) GB-3
National League
Los Angeles Dodgers (33 - 14) - GB-2

MLB Standings 2022 - Division

Division Leaders
American League
EAST: New York Yankees (35 - 15) GB-4.5
CENTRAL: Minnesota (28 - 20) GB-4.5
WEST: Houston (30 - 18) GB-3.5

National League
EAST: New York Mets (32 - 17) GB-8.5
CENTRAL: Milwaukee (31 - 18) GB-4
WEST: Los Angeles Dodgers (33 - 14) GB-3

GB = Games Back

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
MLB Standings 2022 - League

League Leaders
American League
New York Yankees (46 - 16) GB-7.5
National League
New York Mets (41 - 23) GB-1

MLB Standings 2022 - Division

Division Leaders
American League
EAST: New York Yankees (46 - 16) GB-9
CENTRAL: Minnesota (37 - 28) GB-2.5
WEST: Houston (39 - 24) GB-9.5

National League
EAST: New York Mets (41 - 23) GB-4
CENTRAL: St. Louis (37 - 28) GB-1.5
WEST: Los Angeles Dodgers (39 - 23). San Diego (40 - 24) GB-4

GB = Games Back

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling