Not Enough Threads About the New Trek Movie


By God.

I just saw it last night at the local IMAX. I'm glad I did but it really wasn't unusual or impressive. Just a larger screen. But this time I spent the movie examining the costumes. The girl uniforms can have either long sleeves or short sleeves, but none of the females in the movie had rank stripes anywhere that I could find. I had always thought that the Kobayashi Maru uniforms were the same style as the Kelvin uniforms but that is not the case. The KM uniforms are coarser, heavier, and they have these wierd metallic loops on the backs of the shoulders. WTF? I am excited for the next movie because I want McCoy to freak out about the transporter and say "He's dead, Jim." and "I'm just an old country doctor." Why was Pike the only admiral in the TMP uniform? A new design within Starfleet perhaps?

I bought all the 3 3/4" and 6" figures and the playsets. The playsets are neat but I really like the 6" figures a lot. The shirts are all a soft rubbery plastic material and you lift it up and all the guys are RIPPED even old Spock, who knew? And Uhura has a slender body with no muscle definition, but her skirt is removable and underneath she has little red panties and NO BRA. It is really too bad they didn't give her white panties to be movie accurate. I have made a list of about 40 action figures I'd like to see come in waves subsequent to wave 2.


Is this real life?
I didn't like the uniforms of the admirals so much, they reminded me a little of the TNG Romulan outfits with those big shoulders and grey patterns.


Sinless and Purrfect
Going by the thread title, I thought this thread was a troll.


I want to smell dark matter
I should merge every thread about it!


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I'd love to see the movie at IMAX, I have never been to the IMAX theater.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
I didn't like the uniforms of the admirals so much, they reminded me a little of the TNG Romulan outfits with those big shoulders and grey patterns.

I don't think they were proper Admiral uniforms, more Academy Offical uniforms or something. We see Pike in an Admiral's uniform at the end, and it looks almost exactly like Kirk's Admiral's uniform from TMP.


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe Pike brought that uniform in from home though.


Is this real life?
Well whatever they were they looked TNG Romulan.


Boobie inspector
Maybe they were romulans, visiting earth to show that Nero did not act on their behalf.

AKA, please dont kill us with your advanced technology big arsed constitution class ships.


more cookies please?
Saw Batman Begins at an IMAX. Quite impressive - I'm pretty jealous, don't think there's any chance of seeing ST at an IMAX round here...